Adult Learning & Leadership Associate Professor of Practice Dr. Amra Sabic-El-Rayess was recently invited to deliver remarks on targeted violence prevention at the UN's Forum on Building Bridges between East and West, which took place on Wednesday, June 14, 2023. Dr. Sabic-El-Rayess was one of the experts invited to address the audience of representatives from member states, global faith leaders, and diplomats following the remarks delivered by Martin Luther King III.
“The starting point to all forms of violence is cultural violence,” Dr. Sabic-El-Rayess stated. “That is: the narratives of hate and supremacy that are seeded in schools, in the media, and at the dinner table. Cultural violence is the root to all violence, because without words that make us fear one another, killing innocent people because of their identity is not possible… As President Kennedy presciently said, we have to remind ourselves that we all breathe the same air, and we all love our children. And, if we do so, we will protect ourselves and all of our communities from targeted and hate-fueled violence.”
Dr. Sabic-El-Rayess is the founder of the International Lab for Research and Leadership in Interfaith Collaboration and Coexistence at TC, an organization that serves as a center of excellence for research, leadership, and training, amplifying protective factors against all forms of hate based on one's religion, race, and ethnicity globally. More information about the Interfaith Lab can be found online at

Teachers College's own Dr. Arthur Langer, a frequent lecturer with Adult Learning & Leadership, was interviewed on CBS News New York on Wednesday, May 3, 2023. He spoke about his nonprofit, Workforce Opportunity Services, and their commitment to recruiting, developing and supporting talent from underserved communities in organizations looking to build a diverse workforce. Take a moment to check out the interview on the CBS News New York website and learn more about the important work Dr. Langer and Workforce Opportunity Services are doing to promote diversity, equity and inclusion in the workplace.
Jason Mazeski wants to ease tensions between the NYPD and local communities.
Jason Mazeski is an instructor and curriculum designer for the New York Police Department’s Counterterrorism Training Section. He is a doctoral student in the Adult Education Guided Intensive Study (AEGIS) program at Teachers College. The program was founded by Jack Mezirow in 1982. Jack Mezirow believed that truly transformative career changes result from “disorienting dilemmas” that prompt people to critically reassess their deepest assumptions and explore new roles and relationships.
International Transformative Learning Conference 2018
The International Transformative Learning Conference 2018: Transformation in Action: The Power of Community took place at Teachers College in 2018. Watch this playlist for the hightlights!