ORLA 4001 Introduction to school leadership and decision making
This course uses the literature on decision-making theory in combination with intensive case-study analysis in groups to explore how decision-making styles and strategies affect problem-based decision-making in innovative public school settings.
ORLA 4010 Introduction to organization analysis in education
This course draws on concepts and propositions from organization theory to help students construct and analyze case studies of schools and school systems and develop action plans for organizational change, reform, and renewal. Special focus on theories of bureaucracy and community; organizational structure, culture, and politics; professional learning communities; and strategic learning organizations.
ORLA 4025 Resource allocation for student achievement
This course emphasizes the skills of school budgeting and facilities management, personnel allocations, and grant writing with a view to leveraging student achievement. Students use simulations and case studies to analyze an actual school budget; make a three-year budget forecast; and reassign faculty, support staff, and instructional resources to improve performance.
ORLA 4033 Ethical and legal issues in education leadership
This course explores the nexus between law, ethics, and school leadership. It relies on both case law and the use of ethical dilemmas in the form of case studies and hypotheticals to teach prospective leaders how to consider, for themselves, the tensions they experience when the law, professional practice, and their ethical codes of conduct are in conflict.
ORLA 4044 Leadership for adult development
In this course we will explore an expanded notion of leadership that includes supporting adult development as a focal concern. Participants interested in organizational and individual leadership and growth, especially teachers, principals, superintendents, and other leaders, will study how constructive-developmental theory and pillar practices for supporting adult growth can enable leaders to support adults' transformational learning. Permission of the instructor is required.
ORLA 4045 Restructuring schooling in urban environments
Institutional and policy analysis of school redesign experiments in urban settings, with special emphasis on the Chicago case. Review of theoretical foundations research, political support, and implementation consequences of system-wide school reform, as well as analysis of how both experimental and system-wide change is initiated.
ORLA 4058 Privatization and Choice in Education
Small public schools, independent schools, charter schools, vouchers, home schools, religious schools, and for-profit educational ventures are examples of the explosion of options in schooling available to a growing number of American families. The purpose of this course is to understand the configuration of these choices in America and the implications of those choices for a democratic society. Students consider whether school choice can serve the best interests of families and the common good. Through on-site visits, students use the diversity of schools in New York City as a laboratory for learning. Permission of the instructor is required.
ORLA 4060 Designing Charter Schools
Design focus on instructional, governance, accountability systems, and organizational patterns. Reference to research on school models and on legislative and regulatory context of charter schools. Charter school leaders participate as resources. Collaborative field and electronic studies of existing charter schools.
ORLA 4071 Private School Leadership - Systems Thinking and Sensemaking for School Leadership
How can leaders transform "good" schools into excellent schools? The purpose of this course is to equip dynamic individuals with skills and knowledge for aligning schools to accomplish challenging goals. Students study how mission and vision, governance, teamwork, social intelligence, and organization behavior contribute to effective leadership practice. They assess barriers to school change and explore strategies to overcome them. They analyze culture and ways to develop the habit of continuous school improvement. The course uses a variety of approaches with a focus on case studies. Permission of the instructor is required.
ORLA 4874 Strategic Communications & Marketing for Academic Institutions
Students explore communications and marketing with specific attention to the independent school context. Topics include developing a personal and professional writing practice as a school leader, communicating effectively with internal and external constituencies of independent schools, and marketing for the purposes of admissions, student enrollment/retention, and fundraising. Communication case studies are drawn from educational institutions. All students create a portfolio as a final assessment. Students enrolled for three points complete an additional marketing project.
ORLA 4876 School finance: Resource allocation for non-profit organizations
An exploration of the business aspects of managing private schools. The focus is on critical issues of management including: decision making, strategic planning, and analysis and allocation of resources. Participants analyze complex issues and problems confronting leaders in private schools such as: enrollment and tuition stabilization, pricing and affordability, funding sources, endowment management, compensation, and government compliance.
ORLA 4900 Research and independent study in educational leadership
For students wishing to pursue independent study and/or research on topics not covered in regular courses. Requires faculty member's approval of a study plan, reading list, and final paper or other products or projects. Permission required from individual faculty.
ORLA 5005 Educational And Social Entrepreneurship
In this course students explore the process of starting an educational or social venture. Readings, discussions, guest speakers and class activities guide students to understand the entrepreneurial mindset, acquire knowledge related to business start-up, and develop potential business ideas. As a final project, student teams create and present business plans to a panel of hypothetical investors.
ORLA 5010 Leadership in Schools and Communities
This course is designed to introduce students to the theory and practice of exercising leadership in the public sector. Research literature and essential writings of great thinkers complement a practice-based, real-life orientation to the challenges and opportunities associated with leading communities through complex and persistent problems. Course readings will be examined in light of practical challenges education leaders face every day; conversely, we will discuss the ways in which research sheds light and offers perspective to those who lead complex organizations, such as schools and districts, in public settings. The course will consider leadership from a multi-disciplinary perspective, including readings and videos from the social sciences, literature, business, history, politics, and contemporary commentary. Class discussions, case studies, guest speakers and small group work combine to invite students to recognize and develop the personal, professional, intellectual and political attributes that women and men need to address the most pressing issues in education, government, community life and society at large.
ORLA 5012 The social context of education reform: Public engagement and community development
Political analysis of administration at the service delivery and community levels.
ORLA 5017 Groups and interpersonal behavior
Organizational behavior with reference to interpersonal relationships and the conflicts resulting from the needs of individuals compared to the demands of the organization. Special permission required.
ORLA 5018 School leadership for adult development
School leaders must exercise practices to support adult development, especially in the context of standards-based reform. We will explore adult developmental theories and their connection to leadership; constructive-developmental theory; pillar practices for supporting adult growth (i.e., learning that helps adults develop increased cognitive and affective capacities to better manage the complexities of work and life). We consider: How can leaders better support adults' growth? What practices support adult development? What developmental principles inform these practices?
ORLA 5025 Ecology of data-driven leadership
This course relies upon systems theory and its application to school systems. The course teaches prospective leaders the use of databases of various kinds to pursue a systematic inquiry in the health and productivity of the ecology of the school. It explores various approaches to data mining, model building, and ultimately the "art of improvisational leadership." The course teaches students how to distinguish the different purposes for which data can be used and misused and relies heavily on the use of cases, simulations and exercises, including those with complex feedback systems. Familiarity with spreadsheets and simple statistics is helpful.
ORLA 5029 Supervision of teaching and learning
This course draws upon the research literature in human resources management and emphasizes best practice in the recruitment, hiring, mentoring, professional development, and evaluation of teachers including the termination of incompetent teachers. The course uses problem-based units on teacher recruitment and hiring, role playing on effective mentoring, video evaluations of teacher practices, and strategies for removing incompetent teachers.
ORLA 5052 Instructional leadership of independent schools
The purpose of this course is to help prepare independent school educators for their roles as instructional leaders and to encourage reflection about the craft of teaching. It will provide an overview of contemporary theories and research about how people learn and how this knowledge can inform leadership in curriculum design, teaching strategies, student assessment practices, and the design of professional development.
ORLA 5331 Urban Education Leadership Research Practicum
In this course, students document their academic and professional growth and development through the creation of a research portfolio focused on urban education leadership that serves as the basis for ongoing feedback, guidance, and support for their dissertation research.
ORLA 5362 Practicum in School Leadership
The Practicum in School Leadership combines an opportunity to develop knowledge and skills while contributing to the ongoing work of a school. Students work with experienced school leaders on a specific project relevant to the school’s priorities.
ORLA 5530 Action research in organizational behavior
Techniques and methods of designing and conducting action research on organizational problems. Various methodological and organizational issues are addressed regarding the use of action research to foster organizational learning and problem solving through systematic inquiry and reflection. Students conduct an action research project.
ORLA 5532 Program development: Teaching, learning, and assessment
School community relationships, needs assessment, program planning, and evaluation of student progress. Special emphasis on the principalship.
ORLA 5587 Strategic management of independent schools and nonprofit organizations
The purpose of this class is to equip educators with the skills needed for effective independent school practice. Classes are organized to develop skills in the following broad areas: staffing and management, coaching and feedback, strategic planning and organization structure, external relations, and transitioning into a new work environment. To develop proficiency in these important leadership skills, students have opportunities to learn about and then practice skills in the classroom context with feedback from peers and experienced practitioners.
ORLA 5689 School Heads Colloquium
Enrollment is limited to 20 and requires an application to the Klingenstein Heads of Schools Program through the Office of Admission by May 1. The purpose of the symposium is to provide renewal and reflection on issues relevant to school leaders through intensive study and collaboration with professional peers from independent and international schools. Topics include moral leadership and current education issues in public and private schools. Participants also conduct research on a topic of interest to their schools. Through on‑site visits, students use the diversity of schools in New York City and the rich cultural resources as a laboratory for learning. Permission required.
ORLA 5830 The Klingenstein Summer Institute for Early Career Teachers
Residential program. Enrollment is limited to 75 and requires an application to the Klingenstein Summer Institute through the Office of Admission by January 15. An intensive two week program held annually in June that introduces early career teachers to the complexity and challenge of teaching in independent schools. Prominent professors, guest authors, and nationally renowned educators deepen understanding on topics related to the organizing themes: improving teaching and learning, understanding diversity and multiculturalism, and assessing and overcoming resistance to change. Permission required.
ORLA 6020 Pro-seminar in education leadership
This seminar course is topical and brings in guest speakers, exemplary practitioners, researchers and policy makers from academia, public schools and school districts, charter schools and education management organizations, private and independent schools, business, and other organizations to share their experience, research, and insights about effective leadership practices. The central theme of the Pro-Seminar is the development of personal self-awareness and mastery, as well as professional effectiveness. Students will be introduced to a variety of tools, assessment instruments, and other resources that are useful for personal reflection and professional growth. The seminar is customized for students preparing for leadership at different levels and in different contexts, for example aspiring public school principals, independent school heads, or district level leaders.
ORLA 6024 Proseminar in Public School District Leadership
This seminar is topical and brings in guest speakers, exemplary practitioners, researchers and policymakers from academia, educational and nonprofit organizations, business management and other settings to share their experiences, research and insights about effective leadership practice. The central theme of the course is the development of personal self-awareness and mastery as well as professional effectiveness. The course focuses on working with human beings in interpersonal relationships, school settings to improve performance, organizations intent on promoting change, and with oneself by offering approaches to reflection and growth. The pro-seminar is designed for students who are exercising leadership at different levels and in different contexts, including aspiring public, charter and other educational settings.
ORLA 6025 Leadership Thru Self-Awareness
The intention of the Pro-Seminar in Leadership Development course is to provide opportunities for students to cultivate their leadership acuity through exploration of multiple dimensions of the self and culture. The first part of this two part course will include Self-Awareness Training (SAT) in partnership with Social and Emotional Competencies in Summer I. The three interwoven parts of the Seminar are: Self Awareness Training (SAT) as a practice for the exploration, acquaintance and development of one’s inner territory. Social and Emotional Competencies for the practice, exploration, and development of one’s outer awareness of human dynamics. Intercultural Competencies for effectively leveraging cultural dimensions of diversity as a leadership imperative.
ORLA 6026 Leadership Through Self-Awareness II
The intention of the Pro-Seminar in Leadership Development course is to provide opportunities for students to cultivate their leadership acuity through exploration of multiple dimensions of the self and culture. The second part of this two part course will include Self-Awareness Training (SAT) in partnership with Intercultural Competencies in Summer II. The three interwoven parts of the Seminar are: Self Awareness Training (SAT) as a practice for the exploration, acquaintance and development of one’s inner territory. Social and Emotional Competencies for the practice, exploration, and development of one’s outer awareness of human dynamics. Intercultural Competencies for effectively leveraging cultural dimensions of diversity as a leadership imperative.
ORLA 6027 Cultural Diversity, Equity, and Social Justice as Leadership Imperatives
Cultural Diversity provides an introduction to designing, managing, and changing school structures and cultures to be equitable and ethical, appreciate and build on cultural diversity, and consciously work toward social justice are imperatives for school leaders. Educators across the country acknowledge these imperatives, yet often nullify them (often unintentionally) by enabling and perpetuating institutionalized schooling practices and labels that segregate, marginalize, prejudice, and withhold access to rigorous, engaged learning for many students.
ORLA 6028 Cultural Diversity II
Cultural Diversity II provides students with further insight on designing, managing, and changing school structures and cultures to be equitable and ethical, appreciate and build on cultural diversity, and consciously work toward social justice are imperatives for school leaders. Educators across the country acknowledge these imperatives, yet often nullify them (often unintentionally) by enabling and perpetuating institutionalized schooling practices and labels that segregate, marginalize, prejudice, and withhold access to rigorous, engaged learning for many students.
ORLA 6029 Social Emotional Learning
This course will focus on three “lenses” of Emotional Intelligence: EQ for you, EQ for relationships, and EQ for educational leadership -- key perspectives on building an inclusive and equitable school that supports the needs of diverse learners. Through experiential learning, deep conversation, assessments, coaching, and practice, we’ll work together to clarify and develop EQ skills. Students will explore their own EQ, and learn methods and tools to apply EQ in their role as a leader, educator, and person.
ORLA 6460
The internship in public school leadership presents an opportunity to become immersed in the field of leadership practice and to appreciate the importance of instructional leadership in the creation of a learning environment. The internship combines opportunities to study effective leadership first-hand, develop and practice instructional leadership skills, and be mentored for a career as a school principal. The internship requires approximately 450 hours (12-15 hours per week over a full year) of supervised field work in a public school. Permission required.
ORLA 6461 Internship in public school district leadership
A 450-hour supervised field experience in school district leadership. Partially satisfies New York State requirement for School District Leaders certificate. Permission required.
ORLA 6511 Leadership for Social Justice
Through this course, students will learn to personally reflect upon and critically examine the larger social, economic, and political contexts in which schools, districts, and colleges and universities operate. This course will also investigate the ways in which issues of race, immigrant status, social class and gender shape the experiences of practicing leaders and researchers. Over the course of the semester, students will study how larger public policies (areas often considered “outside education”) –including housing policies, social welfare policies, transportation policies, and tax laws--have shaped cities, educational institutions and the lives and opportunities of students and families. This course will also examine the ways in which issues of race, immigrant status, social class and gender shape students’ experiences and outcomes within schools. Additionally, readings in this course will draw from a range of areas, including political science, public policy, housing policy, law, and sociology.
ORLA 6513 Improving Teaching and Learning in School Districts
This course is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills they need to improve teaching and learning in PK-12 public school districts. Students will learn how decisions are made from the boardroom to the classroom in support of improving teaching and learning for all students. The foundational conceptual framework of this course is that improving instruction is the responsibility of everyone in the school district, and that leaders need to create reciprocal accountability for system employees to exercise that responsibility. In order to ensure that every child is receiving the kind of instruction they need to graduate college and career ready, all aspects of the organization must be aligned around a clear vision of social justice and excellence. The course will place a particular emphasis on designing professional learning systems that build the capacity of leaders throughout the system. Students will also learn how to analyze comprehensive sets of qualitative and quantitative data, in order to ensure that goals for adult and student learning are measured, adjusted and accomplished
ORLA 6515 School District Organization and Governance
This course is designed to provide a sound background in organizational theory and design and to equip students with fundamental knowledge and skills to enhance leadership practice and governance in PK-12 school districts. Individuals who choose to exercise leadership in education live and work within organizations including schools, districts, communities, states and nations. In this course, we will explore the dynamic relationship between the individual and the group, as well as the relationship between the district and the schools, examining the structural, social, political, and cultural dimensions of organizations. The course builds on the premise that in order to govern effectively in the context of urban education, leaders must work not only with school boards but also with stakeholders inside and outside the formal organization of the school district.
ORLA 6519 School District Finance and Leadership
This course introduces the concepts, structures and practices of school finance from practical, political, legal and economic perspectives. Educators are under increasing pressure from the public and policymakers to demonstrate that resources are being used in optimal ways to increase the achievement of all students by providing equitable and adequate educational opportunities. Equity and adequacy frameworks will be introduced with a focus on the evolution of school finance litigation and court-ordered reforms that have shaped educational policies at the state and federal levels. The principles of budget planning, development, presentation and adoption will be thoroughly explored, including site-based, performance, zero-based, outcome-focused and traditional budget models. Budget discussions will analyze local, state and federal revenue sources and expenditure estimation. The areas of enrollment management, human resources management and capital management, strategies for reducing costs and overall financial management of school systems are explored.
ORLA 6523 Education Policy, Politics and Leadership in Urban School Systems
The shifting landscape of American education and increased politicization of urban school systems hold critical implications for district-level education leaders. Expected to both understand and respond to the larger social, political, and economic forces that influence life in urban schools, education leaders confront numerous challenges as they navigate complex institutions, policy regimes, competing agendas, and special interests while advocating for the educational success of every student. In this course, we will explore the changing demands and expectations of urban school leadership in an era of inequality shaped largely by widening racial and socioeconomic segregation, privatization, gentrification, and corporate reform. By evaluating the influence of local, district, state, and federal policy decisions on student learning, academic achievement, and school performance, this course will consider whose values, interests, and agendas are being advanced in the education policy arena and to what end. It will also focus on how education leaders might adapt district-level strategies and democratic approaches to leadership through community-based advocacy, coalition building, and activism.
ORLA 6525 Using Evidence, Data and Research Methods in Education Leadership
This course helps prepare school system leaders to use evidence, data, and research in their practice as school and district leaders as well as in preparation for doctoral dissertation-level research. In this course students learn how to access, understand, and apply peer-reviewed education research to their practice and in writing literature reviews; apply foundational quantitative, qualitative, and survey research methods to problems of practice in their organizations; and learn how to build, facilitate, and lead collaborative discussions to inform evidence-based improvement cycles around specific organizational instructional goals.
ORLA 6527 School District Leadership: Personnel, Conflict and Labor Relations
This course is designed to provide students with a sound background in the management knowledge and skills that are necessary in order to exercise effective leadership in public school districts. The course focuses on human resource management, a critical dimension of systemwide leadership. We will examine basic relationships among adults as they exist in school settings, including a look at the legal and contractual rights and responsibilities of school staff and consider options for action when such obligations are not carried out appropriately. Students will explore topics including labor relations, negotiations, collective bargaining, grievance/arbitration, due process, conflict resolution and mediation, professional coaching and complex personnel issues.
ORLA 6541 Applied Data Science in Organizations and Leadership
This course focuses on the applied aspects of data science in organizations and leadership using open source software, including data visualization and effective communication with organizational stakeholders, pattern and classification analysis, early warning prediction accuracy, unstructured data and text analysis, issues of algorithmic bias and fairness, and emerging topics in applied data science and visualization. Prerequisites: students should have completed at least one or more intermediate graduate level applied statistics or data analysis courses, such as HUDM 5026. HUDM 5122, or EDPA 5002, along with some experience working with the following: R, Python, SPSS, or STATA.
ORLA 6552 Research, Theory, and Practice in Education Leadership
This course focuses on major theoretical perspectives on administrative leadership in education, how these perspectives are studied and advanced through empirical research, and how the theory and research are connected to leadership practice. Students will examine theory and empirical research on topics such as leadership effects on student learning; challenges in leading learning organizations; and the relationships among leaders' knowledge, skills, and dispositions and their leadership preparation and effectiveness.
ORLA 6560 Advancement to doctoral candidacy seminar
Doctoral students with a minimum of 60 points toward the Ed.D. may enroll. Permission required.
ORLA 6641 Advanced topics in research methods and design
This course provides students the opportunity to explore applied advanced topics in research design, and a selection of advanced quantitative methods, especially as they relate to studies of educational and organizational contexts and policies. Students will engage in developing a research question throughout the semester and identify a large public dataset to apply the analysis, or bring their own data. Topics include examining longitudinal risk of event occurrence, multilevel effects on individuals and groups, examining longitudinal trajectories and change-over-time, and typology analysis. The course culminates in the creation of an applied quantitative research presentation and supporting manuscript for possible presentation at a national or global research conference.
ORLA 6900 Directed research and study in education leadership
For students wishing to pursue independent study or original research as they prepare for their doctoral certification examination and/or dissertation proposal. Permission required from individual faculty.
ORLA 7500 Dissertation seminar in educational leadership
This course provides students the opportunity to discuss topics related to the preparation of their dissertation proposal in a seminar format. Students present their ideas and writing for feedback from the instructor and other students. Students may enroll in this seminar once. Permission of the instructor is required.
ORLA 7501 Dissertation Research Seminar
This course provides students who already have successfully defended their dissertation proposal the opportunity to discuss their dissertation research—and the different phases of it-- in an intensive, interactive, case-based seminar format, with support and feedback from the instructor and other students; however, students in ORLA—6501 are working toward defending their dissertation proposals and those in ORLA—7501 are working on different aspects of their dissertation research depending on their research and dissertation needs (e.g., collecting data, analysis, inter-rater reliability, cross case conclusions, writing, etc.). ORLA 7501 is run in conjunction with ORLA 6501, with students from both courses meeting together. This course requires at least 18 hours per week of out-of-classroom work. Students may enroll in this course as needed in order to complete their dissertation. Permission of the instructor is required.
ORLA 7503 Research Seminar
This advanced research seminar provides students who already have successfully defended their dissertation proposal the opportunity to discuss their dissertation research—and the different phases of it-- in an intensive, interactive, case-based seminar format, with support and feedback from the instructor and other students; however, students in ORLA—6503 are working toward defending their dissertation proposals and those in ORLA—7503 are working on different aspects of their dissertation research depending on their research and dissertation needs (e.g., collecting data, analysis, inter-rater reliability, cross case conclusions, writing, etc.). ORLA 7503 is run in conjunction with ORLA 6503, with students from both courses meeting together. This course requires at least 18 hours per week of out-of-classroom work. Students may enroll in this course as needed in order to complete their dissertation. Permission of the instructor is required.
ORLA 8900 Dissertation advisement in educational leadership
Individual advisement on the doctoral dissertation. Students register for this in the first semester after their dissertation proposal has been approved and continue registering in this (or in another course, with sponsor approval) until the dissertation is completed. Requires ongoing consultation between the student and dissertation sponsor. The fee equals three points at the current tuition rate for each term. Permission required from individual faculty.