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Dissertation titles from 2011-2024
Dissertations defended at Teachers College are available through the Gottesman Library. Below is a list of dissertations completed and defended by students of the Program in Social-Organizational Psychology.
- An Examination of the Effects of Prescriptive Stereotype Violations About Competence on East Asians Ratings of Leadership Potential By Hong Yu (2024)
- A History of Harms: Organizational Accountability and Repair for Past and Continuing Injustices. By Allegra Chen-Carrel (2023)
- Multiracial Identity Invalidation in the Workplace. By Stephanie von Numers (2023)
- Working Hard and Getting Nowhere: Jane Henryism and the Recognition of Black Women’s Efforts in Corporate America. By Shana Yearwood (2023)
- When the Leader Leaves: Building and Maintaining Interorganizational Social Capital in International Affairs. By Aimee Lace (2022)
- Examining the Influence of Gender Presentation, Sexual Orientation, and Job Type on Modern-Day Hiring Discrimination Against Gay Men Through Descriptive and Prescriptive Stereotype Moderated Mediation Models. By Joe Dillard (2021).
- Inclusive Leadership Questionnaire: The Design and Validation of a Theory-based Instrument. By Aitong Li (2021).
- The Dual Impact of Stereotype Threat and Power on Negotiation Behavior and Affect. By Asha Gipson (2021).
- Inclusive Leadership: Exploration of Individual and Situational Antecedents
By David Mendelsohn (2021).
- Well Begun is Half Done: The Impact of Initial Leader Framing of Diversity on Cross-Functional Team Member Perceptions. By Antony Hacking (2020).
- A [K]ink in the Armor: How the Intersection of Gender and Racial Prototypicality Affect Perceptions of Black Women Aspiring to be Managers. By Tarani Merriweather (2020).
- Still, She Rises: A Multidimensional Approach to the Development of the Response Inventory to Stereotype Threatening Environments Questionnaire (RISE-Q). By Mateo Cruz (2020)
- The Development and Validation of the Workplace Racial Microaggression Scale for Asians and Asian Americans. By Duoc Nguyen (2020)
- Impact of Gendered Topics in Letters of Recommendation on Perceived Importance for Making a Hiring Decision in Geosciences. By Joshua Elmore (2020)
- Emotion and Warmth Modulation in Women Leaders: A Qualitative Exploratory Study. By Danielle Pfaff (2019)
- Race Matters in Coaching: An Examination of Coaches' Willingness to Have Difficult Conversations with Leaders of Color. By Ariel Bernstein (2019)
- The Role of Self-Affirmation and Self-Construal Levels in Attenuating the Gender Performance Gap. By Jennifer Kim (2019)
- Conceptualizing and Testing the Model of Ambidextrous Leadership: Evidence from a Multi-method Research Study. By DaHee Shon (2019)
- Professional and Petty: An Investigation Into the Social and Individual Conditions That Promote Instigated Acts of Workplace Incivility Between Black Professionals. By DeMarcus Pegues (2018)
- Learning Agility in Context: Engineers' Perceptions of Psychologically Safe Climate on Performance. By Lauren Catenacci-Francois (2018)
- Coaching for Learning Agility: The Importance of Leader Behavior, Learning Goal Orientation, and Psychological Safety. By Ginevra Olver Drinka (2018)
- Nonnative Accents and Conflict Management: The Mediating Roles of Stereotype Threat, Regulatory Focus, and Conflict Behaviors on Conflict Outcomes. By Regina Kim (2017)
- Exploring the Relationship Between Personality and Performance: Does Personality Predict Performance for Female Leaders? By Naomi Stutzman (2017)
- Does Gender Matter in the Evaluation of Successful Physicians? Examining How Evaluators Use Stereotype-Based Attributions in Determining Outcomes at Work. By Dyan Ferraris-Baron (2017)
- Predictably Flexible Leadership: Exploring the effect of Leader Behavioral Breadth, Variability and Authenticity on Follower Perceptions of Leader Trustworthiness and Effectiveness. By Adam Mitchinson (2016)
- Change Leader Behavioral Inventory: Development and Validation of an Assessment Instrument. By Rebecca Stilwell (2016)
- Leadership Complexity While Navigating a Complex Conflict: Linking Individual Attributes with Dynamic Decision-Making Processes. By Nicholas Redding (2016)
- Falling Out of Love with American Utopia: An Insight into Return Migration Intentions of Highly Skilled Asian Indian Immigrants in the United States. By Nishita Rai (2015)
- The Perceived Authenticity of Fairness at Work. By Kathryn Roloff (2015)
- Alienation@work: Creativity and Commerce in Late Capitalism. By Natahn Gerard (2015)
- To Thine Own Self be True? The Influence of Gender Stereotypes on Perceptions of Authentic Leaders. By Rachel Fudman (2015)
- How Does Learning Agile Business Leadership Differ? Exploring a Revised Model of the Construct of Learning Agility in Relation to Executive Performance. By Bradford Smith (2015)
- Leadership behavioral complexity as an antecedent to scaling social impact and financial performance. By Apivat Hanvongse (2014)
- Employee Perceptions of Managers Who Express Anger: Could a High Quality Relationship Buffer Women from Backlash?. By Avina Gupta (2014)
- Variant Conflict Management: Conceptualizing and Investigating Team Conflict Management as a Configural Construct. By Yunzi Tan (2013)
- From the Mouths of Men: A Model of Men's Perception of Social Identity Threat Toward Women in the Workplace and Endorsement of Identity Safety Behaviors. By Mekayla Castro (2013)
- Whistling in the Wind: Examining the Effects of Sexual Orientation Relational Demography on Individual Perceptions of Workgroup Process and Withdrawal. By Frank Golom (2013)
- The mediating role of family-work conflict on the relationship between family and work domain variables and employment trade-offs. By Benjamin Liberman (2012)
- Examining the Influence of Goal Attainment Scaling on Changes in Goal Attainment in a Coaching Versus Non-Coaching Context. By Yaron Prywes (2012)
- An Examination of Social Persuasion's Influence on Generalized Leader Efficacy. By Bernard Banks (2012)
- Examining the Perceived Internal and External Effectiveness of NGOs in the Palestinian Territories: The Role of Complexity, Resilience, and Job Adaptability. By Naira Musallam (2011)
- Use of teams to accomplish radical organization change: Examining the influence of team cognitive style and leader emotional intelligence. By Alive Cahill (2011)
- Managing Uncertainty During Organization Design Decision-Making Processes: The Moderating Effects of Different Types of Uncertainty. By Alice Mann (2011)
- Can Chameleons Lead Change? The Effect of Resistance to Change on High Self-Monitoring Leaders' Strength of Purpose. By Robert Morris (2011)
Faculty & Student Joint Research Groups
Doctoral students get involved in research by participating in workgroups led by social-organizational psychology faculty. Students are required to participate in at least one workgroup per semester for a minimum of eight semesters overall. Participation in at least two different workgroups is required over the course of the program.
In workgroups, doctoral students participate in all phases of the research process, including the design and conduct of research. Many times, this participation leads to presentations at professional conferences or publications in journals and books with faculty.
The number of students per workgroup varies but typically ranges from 3 to 6.