Funding Resources
EPSA is eager to empower its students to plan and host events for the EPSA community. If you have an idea for an event, please complete this form and we will be in touch with you for next steps.
Teachers College Grants and Fellowships
is pleased to announce the
2025-2026 Education Policy Dissertation Research Fellowships
for current TC Students.
The Education Policy Dissertation Research Fellowship is open to TC students, regardless of their department or program, whose dissertation research has the potential to inform societal efforts to improve educational opportunity, achievement, or equity. This research should be focused on an important policy issue at any level of government, reflect potential for policy utility, and show a strong likelihood of being accepted in the most well‐respected journals. Our view of policy relevance is a broad one, encompassing research that affects policy indirectly by shifting public understanding of societal challenges and opportunities for effective intervention.
♦ Fellowship recipients are awarded $6,000 to supplement academically related living, tuition, research, or travel expenses. Six winners are selected each year.
♦ Fellowships are available to matriculating TC doctoral students who will have an approved dissertation proposal by May 31, 2025.
♦ The candidate must be registered for the entire upcoming academic year to receive a disbursement after the Fall/Spring add-drop period in the amount of $3,000. At this time, partial awards are not considered.
♦ Students in all departments of the College are eligible as long as their proposal meet the criteria specified below.
♦ Recipients of the fellowships may be asked to present their research work at an EPSA-sponsored event such as a colloquium, seminar or Policy Student Network activity, where appropriate.
♦ In the same academic year, a student cannot hold more than one of TC’s internal awards such as the Provost’s Dissertation Research Fellowship, managed by the Office of the Vice Dean for Research, or the Dissertation Research Fellowship, managed by the EPSA Department.
Complete this application with the following items
1. One copy of your curriculum vitae (CV)
2. One copy of an essay providing an overview of the proposed work, including:
-The social, intellectual, and policy significance of the work;
-Explicit statement of a policy-research study that gives evidence of a significant social problem, clear conceptualization, a grounding in theory, and a rigorous research design;
-An integrated analytic framework that drives the purpose and the questions being asked;
-Documentation of feasibility of completing the policy relevant research in a timely fashion;
-Evidence of research and policy skills, including policy coursework taken at TC or elsewhere, as well as any relevant policy experience, likely to lead to the successful completion of the proposed policy work; and
-A plan to disseminate the research finding so that they can inform policy.
The essay must begin with a cover page that includes your name, address, phone number, email address, TCID number, title of project and academic program. The essay must be no more than 8 pages (excluding cover page), double‐spaced, in 12‐point Times New Roman font. References may go to a separate page. Please head each page with last name and page number.
3. One copy of an e-Transcript (Electronic, official TC transcript)
Ordering e-Transcripts using the MyTC Portal:
To submit an online request, log into MyTC, then click on the TC Services tab. Locate the box entitled Enrollment & Student Services, then click on the Student Records link. On the next page, click on Request Electronic Transcript, then follow the prompts to submit your request. If you are unable to locate either the Enrollment & Student Services box or the Student Records link in MyTC, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (212) 678-4071 during normal business hours.
4. One letter of support from a faculty member familiar with the policy-related work and able to comment on the quality of the research design and prospects for completion and significance. This letter should have the faculty member's signature, be emailed as an Adobe PDF, and sent from the faculty member's TC/CU email account directly to:
For additional information, please contact Liz Farley in the EPSA Department at (212) 678‐3188 or e‐mail:
Please complete this application if you would like to be considered for a grant to cover expenses incurred while attending a national or international professional conference. We are now offering grants for presenters and for attendees.
Please review the following requirements:
1. To qualify for the $1000 presenter award, you must supply proof that your proposal for a presentation has been accepted. Please attach supporting documentation to this application.
6. Eligible award expenses include: conference registration, air fare, train fare, hotel, parking, meals, tolls, parking, car rental, and taxi fare.
For guidance on travel please visit TC's Office of Risk Management for guidance:
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis.
Awards covers any activity occurring between 9/1/2023 and 8/31/2024
All applicants will be notified of the decision via e-mail.
The Postsecondary Education Applied Research (PEAR) Fellowship trains doctoral students for careers in applied postsecondary education research using advanced scientific methods. Fellows also participate in ongoing research apprenticeships and a yearlong policy/practice apprenticeship with a higher education agency, university system, or nonprofit research organization. The fellowship is open to U.S. citizens and permanent residents accepted to doctoral programs in the Departments of Education Policy & Social Analysis or Organization & Leadership.
To learn more and apply, visit the PEAR Fellowship website.
The Arthur Zankel Urban Fellowship is a financial aid award in the amount of $12,500 per academic year for Teachers College students to work with disadvantaged inner-city youth. The Zankel Fellowship is made possible by a gift from the estate of Arthur Zankel, who was an esteemed trustee of Teachers College. The Zankel Urban Fellows carry on Mr. Zankel's legacy of passion for education by contributing their expertise to programs serving disadvantaged inner-city youth.
Zankel Fellows undertake a fellowship during the academic year in an approved project. They are required to spend ten hours a week for the fellowship, with five of those hours working directly with youth. During the application process, students request and are matched to an approved project according to their skills, interests, and experience. The fellowship is supervised by a TC sponsor, who is a faculty/staff member.
To learn more about the Arthur Zankel Urban Fellowship, visit the Zankel and Milman Fellowships website.
The Evalyn Edwards Milman Literacy Fellowship is a financial aid award in the amount of $10,000 and 6 tuition points per academic year for three Teachers College students to provide literacy education services in TC's partnership schools.
The Evalyn Edwards Milman Music Fellowship is a financial aid award in the amount of $10,000 and 6 tuition points per academic year for three Teachers College students to provide music instruction at Teachers College Community School or CS 154 Harriet Tubman Learning Center in Harlem.
Students are selected for the fellowships based on the needs of the partnership schools and on students’ experience. Preference is given to TC students enrolled in the literacy specialist program or music education program. Fellowship selections are made by a committee consisting of OSCP staff in consultation with faculty members from the Curriculum and Teaching department and the Music department.
Students applying for the Evalyn Edwards Milman Literacy or Music Fellowships must be matriculated and enrolled in a minimum of 5 credit hours per semester.
Further inquiries can be directed to Amy Hawley Alvarez at
The Office of the Vice Dean for Research manages the Provost's Dissertation Research award.
To learn more and apply, visit the website of the Office of the Vice Dean for Research, which manages the award program, or email:
The Enid and Lester Morse Fellowship is a selective fellowship for doctoral students interested in the mentoring and professional development of new teachers. This financial award of up to $12,000 is offered through the Center for Professional Education of Teachers (CPET). The Morse Fellow for Digital Learning will work across CPET's portfolio of programs to increase opportunities for new and experienced educators to connect with CPET services through online and digital technology. The Fellow will gain practical experience in professional development by collaborating with CPET's signature initiatives, including the Global Learning Alliance, Literacy Unbound, the New Teacher Network, and the Student Press Initiative. Along with a team of CPET coaches, curriculum developers, and instructional specialists, the Fellow will support the provision of services to new teachers in under-served schools through the development of digital learning opportunities.
To learn more and apply, visit the CPET website.
The Enid and Lester Morse Fellowship is a selective fellowship for doctoral students interested in the mentoring and professional development of new teachers. This financial award of up to $12,000 is offered through the Center for Professional Education of Teachers (CPET). The Morse Fellow will work directly with Teachers College graduates who are members of the New Teacher Network (NTN@TC). The Fellow will gain practical experience in professional development by collaborating with NTN@TC coaches, mentoring new teachers, and assisting in the delivery of professional development programs. Along with a team of CPET coaches, curriculum developers, and instructional specialists, the Fellow will support the provision of services to new teachers in under-served schools.
To learn more and apply, visit the CPET website.
Matriculated Teachers College students in master's or doctoral programs are eligible for the Dean’s Grant for Student Research, which awards up to $2,000 for the strongest research proposals with educational implications for the field and for academic inquiry at the College. The number of grants given depends upon annual funding. In past years, between five and eight grants have been awarded.
To learn more and apply, visit the website of the Office of the Vice Dean for Research, which manages the award program, or email:
If you are a current Doctoral student who has defended or will defend your dissertation, then you may be eligible for this grant. The grant provides $6,250 to Ed.D. students to recognize and support outstanding doctoral work, recipients are selected based on merit. Ph.D. students may qualify for an extra $1,500 award, given to help cover the tuition charged for the semester when you defend your dissertation.
Eligibility Criteria
- Current doctoral student enrollment, registered for semester applied, and in good academic standing.
- Fully certified and approved dissertation proposal with IRB approval on file with the Office of Doctoral Studies.
- Has defended or is on track to defend a dissertation during the semester applied.
How to Apply
You may apply by submitting a DDG Interest Form, available each Fall and Spring semester,
to the Office of Financial Aid. In addition, you must include:
- A written statement that describes:
- The focus of your dissertation inquiry, including a statement of rationale, research questions, and methods for collection and analyses of data.
- The status of your dissertation project to date.
- The timeline for completion of your dissertation, including the oral defense
- A one-page letter of recommendation from your Teachers College faculty dissertation sponsor that addresses:
- The importance of the question being asked in your dissertation
- An affirmation that your proposed dissertation timeline is feasible and realistic
- A copy of your Curriculum Vitae
Fall 2024 |
Spring 2025 |
Application Available |
October 16, 2024 |
February 12, 2025 |
Application Submission Deadline |
November 13, 2024 |
March 12, 2025 |
Decision Release* |
November 25, 2024 |
March 24, 2025 |
*Decisions will be released on or after the date referenced above.
The Provost's Grant for Conference Presentation and Professional Development offers reimbursement consideration for eligible Teachers College students who have presented at an academic conference.
To learn more and apply, email TC NEXT.
Taking both merit and need into consideration, grant-in-aid is awarded to matriculated Teachers College doctoral students. Grant-in-aid is designed to assist doctoral students with tuition, dissertation advisement, and/or the defense fee. Students must demonstrate considerable loan indebtedness incurred while at TC and little or no previous scholarship assistance from TC, including tuition exemption. Faculty recommendations are required in support of Grant-in-Aid applications. International students are required to seek approval from their International Student Advisor and complete a supplemental application form.
To apply, visit the Office of Financial Aid.
External Opportunities
The Davis-Putter Scholarship Fund
Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs
Institute for Broadening Participation's Pathways to Science
Institute of Education Sciences
Institute of International Education
International Student Scholarships
National Academy of Education Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Program
National Endowment for the Humanities
National Postdoctoral Association
The NREI John R. Lewis Social Justice Policy Fellowship
NYU External Funding Sources List
General Resources |
212-678-3140 |
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212-678-3939 |
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212-678-3593 |
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212-678-3690 |
Office of Access and Services for Individuals with Disabilities (OASID) | |
212-678-3689 | |
212-678-3333 |
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212-678-3010 |
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212-678-4050 |
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212-678-3300 |
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212-678-3215 |
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212-678-3714 |
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212-678-3494 |
Student Senators
Jebraune Chambers
Pascale Mevs
- Manage student government relations
- Represent student body to administration
- Fund student-oriented activities
Student Advisory Council
- Student body representatives
- Communicate student opinions and topics to Senators and Executive Staff
- Facilitate job resources, social events, and feedback
- Plan and implement activites to serve student body
TC NEXT is the career services office at TC that empowers TC students and alumni with the skills, resources and opportunities to plan for and navigate their chosen career pathways—from Day One at TC and beyond.
TC NEXT has a Careers Portal where students and alumni can make appointments, sign up for workshops, build profiles, and search and apply for jobs.
Keep an eye on their calendar, which is regularly updated with upcoming events and includes registration links.