A&HE 4050 Literature and Teaching
An inquiry into the nature and value of literary experience and the role of instruction in helping readers productively access that experience. Focus on reading short older and contemporary texts and experimenting with promising practices.
A&HE 4051 Critical Approaches to Literature
An examination of traditional and current approaches to reading, interpreting, and criticizing a diverse selection of literary works, with an emphasis on the relationship between critical theories and pedagogical principles and practices.
A&HE 4052 Adolescent Literature
This course focuses on issues in young adult literature, including those related to adolescent identities informed by diversity, urban experience, race, and gender, and highlights pedagogical principles and practices in teaching adolescents and literature.
A&HE 4053 Cultural Perspectives and Literature
An examination of contemporary literary selections through particular socio-cultural and cross-cultural perspectives and contexts including geographic, racial, ethical, and political, with consideration of the pedagogical implications.
A&HE 4057 English Methods
Examines purposes, issues, and practices related to the design and implementation of curriculum, assessment, and effective teaching strategies, evaluation and instructional strategies that integrate the language arts and address the broader purposes of educating an informed, imaginative, and action-inclined citizenry.
A&HE 4058 Teaching of Reading
The course focuses on helping teachers examine theoretical and pedagogical principles relevant to teaching literary and non-literary texts with emphasis on helping struggling adolescent and young adult readers.
A&HE 4100 Teaching Drama and Theater
This course serves as an introduction to the ways in which we might approach the teaching of secondary English language arts through drama and theater. Students will experiment with and critique dramatic tools for the teaching of fiction and nonfiction texts (with a specific focus on the teaching of plays) and consider issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion through the classroom integration of drama and theater. drama.
A&HE 4151 Teaching of Writing
The course integrates theory and practice for teachers. Topics include the textual character of genres, critical perspectives on writing instruction, research on writing, evaluation and assessment of writing, and classroom methods for teaching writing.
A&HE 4152 Literacies and Technologies in the Secondary English Classroom
This course focuses on how new technologies have impacted and enabled emerging practices in the learning and teaching of English.
A&HE 4156 Writing: Nonfiction
A non-fiction writing workshop. This course is taught as part of 6 credit block with A&HE 4151: Teaching of writing.
A&HE 4550 Teaching of Poetry
Experience in reading and writing poetry, designing curriculum, and determining effective teaching practices.
A&HE 4551 Teaching of Shakespeare
An examination of diverse theoretical perspectives and pedagogical principles for teaching Shakespeare.
A&HE 4556 Research Seminar for InSTEP
This seminar is designed to support practicing teachers as they compose and expand their teaching lives. The seminar will provide teachers with a community of colleagues with whom they can explore instructional strategies, pedagogy, and the challenges of contemporary teaching. This course is ordinarily offered online for students in the INSTEP MA program only.
A&HE 4557 Seminar in the Teaching of English
This course will offer experienced teachers an opportunity to revisit, reimagine and re-articulate those principles and methods at the core of what they do in the classroom. Each semester, the course will concentrate on one of the following: the Teaching of Writing (critical perspectives on writing instruction, research on writing, evaluation and assessment of writing, and classroom methods for teaching writing), the Teaching of Reading (critical issues in the teaching of literary and non-literary texts) or English Methods (approaches to unit and course design, the integration of language arts). Students are encouraged to experience each concentration.
A&HE 4561 Teaching Narrative and Story
An examination of narrative theories, narrative design, and philosophies of composition.
A&HE 4750 Supervised Teaching of English
Majors only. Students may satisfy state certification requirements by participating in the supervised teaching program in the Fall and Spring semesters. Students should plan to reserve part of each day Monday through Friday for classroom experience.
A&HE 4751 Fieldwork and Observation in Secondary English
Majors only. A series of guided observations of schools, teachers, and students, which are supplemented by opportunities to report and systematically reflect on observations.
A&HE 4904 Independent Study in Teaching English
Permission of instructor required. Research and independent study under the direction of a faculty member. Students work individually or with others.
A&HE 5149 Research Writing: Genres, Techniques, and Connections
Investigates multiple ways to craft and present research processes and findings, explores theoretical, practical, and ethical considerations for the choices made, and examines how research writing makes intelligible, through structure and craft, unique representations and interpretations that maintain or challenge traditions of text, genre, and expectations in research writing. This course is a co-requisite with A&HE 5504 as part of a 6-credit block.
A&HE 5150 Research in Practice
Examines the role of practitioner qualitative research in knowledge production, teaching, and learning.
A&HE 5151 Perspectives on "Popular" Texts in English Classrooms
This course examines "popular" texts and popular culture through modern and post-modern theoretical lenses.
A&HE 5154 Rhetoric and Teaching
The course examines the applicability of rhetorical theories and composition research.
A&HE 5204 Fieldwork in Teaching English
Provides opportunities for students to participate in workshops conducted by master practitioners and to develop projects for implementation in schools and other field settings. 45 hours for mentoring sessions could do an addition 45 hours for project design, research, and implementation
A&HE 5504 Research Paper: Teaching of English
A writing seminar/workshop intended to facilitate the design, implementation, and write up of a research project with focus on research processes, options for writing to targeted audiences, and an exploration of the ethical and representational dilemmas posed in various research traditions. This course is a co-requisite with A&HE 5149 Research Writing as part of a 6-credit block.
A&HE 5510 Foundational Texts I
A required introductory course for doctoral students focused on the texts that have shaped and defined the field of English education as an intellectual discipline and discrete arena for research and teaching. Course also prepares current and prospective doctoral students for the required first certification examination.
A&HE 5514 Literature and Literary Study: Milton
This course is an advanced seminar in literature and in critical theory as it relates to the reading, writing, and teaching of literature. May include an intensive study of a particular literary text, author, genre, or period.
A&HE 5518 Teaching English in Diverse Social/Cultural Contexts
This course examines how gender, class, race, ethnicity, and sexual orientation issues may impact learning and teaching in classrooms. This course also emphasizes and models culturally responsive teaching.
A&HE 5590 Master's Seminar
This course allows students to reflect systematically on their teaching practice, particularly as it relates to taking leadership stances among their colleagues, in their schools, and within their districts. Students will design and implement practice-based research that will document ways they engage and dialogue as literacy leaders. As such, this course serves as a capstone to the Ed M program.
A&HE 6011 Politics of Teaching English: Foundations of Critical Whiteness Pedagogies
Covers foundations of critical whiteness studies from historical, theoretical, and applied scholarship. Draws from readings across English education, racial literacy studies, and ethnic studies, as well as novels, film, criticism, and creative works. Prompts multiple ways to theorize and understand whiteness as foundational to anti-racist education research and practice. Reading load: minimum one book per week, with some flexibility for tailoring to individual areas of interest.
A&HE 6015 College Teaching of English
An examination of problems and issues in the teaching of English to diverse populations of students in contemporary college classrooms.
A&HE 6151 Narrative Research in English Education
Explores diverse ways that narrative research theorizes and narratizes human experience, examines a variety of narrative research genre, emphasizes narrative methods as humanizing and decolonizing research traditions, grapples with methodological, representational, and ethical issues involved in data collection, interpretation, and writing, and emphasizes self-reflexivity to account for a researcher’s presence, power, and ethical responsibility.
A&HE 6152 Advanced Narrative Research in English Education
Permission of instructor required. This course builds on prior knowledge of various genre of narrative research (biography, autobiography, autoethnography, testimonial, oral history, or life history) to focus on crafting techniques and forms utilized to evoke, and provoke various narrative explorations, excavations and cartographies—each offering differences in effect and affect intended to capture ‘experience’ as nuanced, subjective, multiple, and located on the ever shifting grounds of (re)membering and (re)rendering.
A&HE 6204 Advanced Fieldwork in Teaching English
Permission of instructor required. Provides opportunities for instructional experimentation and research in classrooms and other field settings.
A&HE 6404 Internship in College Teaching of English
Permission of instructor required. Provides opportunities to function in an apprenticeship role in teaching or research in the context of a college English classroom or other field setting.
A&HE 6450 Internship in Teaching English
Permission of instructor required. Provides opportunities to function in an apprenticeship role in teaching or research in the context of a secondary English classroom or other field setting.
A&HE 6504 Doctoral Seminar: Experiments with Multimodal Genres of Scholarly Communication
Covers emerging genres of scholarship including podcasts, audio papers, albums, comics, and web texts across education and humanities. Focuses on the multimodal and multisensory aspects of these genres under the framework of radical open access. Explores how these genres afford scholarly communication and the relational practices among humans, objects, and technologies that make them possible.
A&HE 6514 Postmodern Textual Theories
An exploration of a range of postmodern textual practices from literature, nonfiction, film, research reports, and public pedagogies that serve as potential sites to illustrate divergent postmodern inquiry practices and textualities that dis-semble logics of critique and interpretation and pose new ways of recognizing, naming and un-naming particular social and cultural practices as these influence theories and practice.
A&HE 6904 Research and Independent Study
Permission of instructor required. Advanced research and independent study under the direction of a faculty member. Students work individually or with others. 45 hours for mentoring sessions could do an addition 45 hours for project design, research, and implementation
A&HE 7504 Dissertation Seminar: Teaching of English
Permission of instructor required. Designed to help students complete an acceptable dissertation proposal.
A&HE 8904 Dissertation Advisement in Teaching English
Permission of instructor required. All Ed.D. and Ph.D. students, upon successful defense of dissertation proposal must register continuously for Dissertation Advisement or an alternative course approved by their sponsor until the final defense of the dissertation.