

Certificate of Insurance

Certificate of Insurance required by Outside Parties

Teachers College is often requested by outside parties to provide proof of insurance evidencing the College’s insurance coverage. Please complete and submit the Certificate of Insurance Request form to the Office of Risk Management Generally, a certificate of insurance will be issued within 48 hours of your request by via email.

Below is the Certificate of Insurance form and instructions.

Certificate of Insurance required by Teachers College

A certificate of insurance is a document that shows proof of insurance coverage. Contractors, suppliers, or other outside parties who will be performing work for or services to the College, or using College facilities are required to provide evidence of the insurance required by the College by submitting a certificate of insurance to the Office of Risk Management.

All certificates shall cokapntain the provision that the insurance shall not be canceled for any reason, except after thirty (30) days written notice and indicate the nature of work being performed or goods/services being furnished Failure to furnish will result in work not being allowed to commence. For new contracts with vendors all certificate of insurance should be provided along with the signed contract and a copy of the Additional Insured Endorsement.

All certificate of insurance must include the following information on the document:

Additional Insured Language: Teachers College, Columbia University their affiliates, trustees, officers, agents and employees, volunteers, and representatives are named as an additional insured and shall provide a waiver of subrogation in favor of Teacher College and affiliates. Such insurance shall be primary over other collectible insurance that may apply

Job description with project number(s)

Please send all Certificates of Insurance and a copy of the additional insured endorsement to the Risk Management and Insurance, Teachers College, Columbia University, 525 W. 120th Street – Box 30, New York, NY 10027. Electronic copy of the Certificate of Insurance is acceptable in lieu of direct mail. Please send it to and include the following within the subject line: “CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE” with the policy expiration date and the Vendor’s name (ABC).


Contract Insurance Requirement

Teachers College requires all contractors, suppliers, or other outside parties who will be performing work for or services to the College, or using College facilities to execute a contract. Within the contract, there is a standard minimum insurance requirement. If you have any specific questions relating to the standard minimum insurance requirements please contact the Office of Risk Management.

In addition, Teachers College has established standard contract process for all contractors, suppliers, or other outside parties who will be providing work and services for the College. You will find all the details on the College’s Purchasing website under the Buying Goods and Services @ TCdocument. If you have any specific questions relating to contracts, please contact the Offices of Purchasing or the Office of General Counsel at

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