Standing Together Against Racism
Dear TC Community Members:
It is with heavy hearts that we write to you about a number of horrific incidents that remind us that racial biases and institutional racism persist during this pandemic. Communities of color, who already are disproportionately affected by the deadly coronavirus, are now facing harsher treatment by police. Reports of aggressive and even violent police enforcement of social distancing regulations in low-income communities continue to mount while enforcement of those same regulations is lax to nonexistent in affluent neighborhoods. These inequities remind us all that our collective work to highlight and address the needs of the most marginalized must persist even as we adjust to new ways of teaching, learning and researching.

COVID-19 ODCA Statement Reaffirming our Diversity, Community Affairs & Equity Values
The Office of the Vice President for Diversity and Community Affairs and Teachers College are monitoring COVID-19 updates and we are adjusting our day-to-day operations to maintain service to our tight-knit TC Community during these uncertain times. As we continue to engage with each other virtually, let us not forget that Teachers College is committed to providing a working, learning and living environment free from discrimination and harassment and to fostering a vibrant, nurturing community founded upon the fundamental dignity and worth of all of its members.