Current Issues in Comparative Education (CICE) is a leading, open-access journal in the field of Comparative Education. It was established in 1997 by a group of doctoral students in our program. For the past two decades, CICE has been a platform for debate and discussion of contemporary educational matters worldwide. 

Serving on the Editorial Board presents a unique opportunity for masters and doctoral students to participate and engage with the academic publishing field.

Board members will develop invaluable experience in the daily operations of a first-class academic journal. These positions entail a low-to-medium time commitment throughout the academic year.

The following positions are available for the academic year 2021-22:


Editors are responsible for manuscript review, technical editing, and approval; Interfacing with the editorial team to ensure manuscript review is completed by the deadline.

Copy editors

Copy editors are responsible for polishing the language, including checking spelling, grammar, terminology, and making improvements for the manuscript wherever necessary.

For more information please reach out to Editor-in-Chief, Marcella Winter: