Info for Non-TC Students

Info for Non-TC Students

We intend this page for students from outside Teachers College who would like to take a TC course. Click on the name for your home institution for specific information on how to register and access TC resources: Columbia University (all schools), Union Theological Seminary, the Jewish Theological Seminary, or member institutions of the Interuniversity Doctoral Consortium.

  • Review the TC schedule for important course information. You will need the five-digit call number (referred to as a CRN on TC’s web site) to register, so please make a note of it. Also be aware that CU students must obtain instructor’s approval to register for any TC course. Contact instructors individually to secure written, signed approval. If you are unable to reach an instructor directly, you should try contacting the academic department office.
  • Follow the cross-registration procedures developed by your home school.
  • Your home school and/or Columbia’s Student Financial Services will handle billing and payment for Teachers College courses.
  • Your home school will forward your registration data to TC electronically so that it can be entered in TC’s information system. The data transfer typically occurs within 24 hours of your initial registration at your home school.
  • Access to online course content:
    • Two or three business days after your initial registration, you should be able to access online course content through the myTC Portal. Use your Columbia University UNI and your UNI password to log on. Remember that your UNI is the first part of your Columbia e-mail address, preceding the “@” (e.g.,
    • When you enter the Portal for the first time, you should activate your TC mail by clicking the Gmail link the upper right corner of the web page.
    • If you cannot access online content after three business days, please take the following steps to troubleshoot:
      • Check with your home institution to ensure that you are properly registered.
      • If you are registered at your home institution and still cannot access online course content, please ask that your school’s Registrar verify your registration with TC’s Registrar.
      • If you have received confirmation that your enrollment is correct in both TC’s database and in that of your home school, please e-mail TC’s Registrar at In your e-mail, be sure to include your UNI, name, and the CRN and name of the TC course for which you registered. We will initiate an inquiry with our Academic Computing Department.
    • We recommend that you check your TC Gmail account in the Portal at least once a day or to have your TC e-mail forwarded to an external account that you do check daily. TC instructors use e-mail to communicate with students, and you can miss out on important course information if you do not retrieve messages from your TC account often enough. 
  • Course grades: Your instructor will report your grade to the Registrar at TC. We will then forward that grade to the University Registrar near the end of each semester as the grades come to us.
  • Review the TC schedule for important course information. You will need the five-digit call number (referred to as a CRN on TC’s web site) to register, so please make a note of it. Also be aware that CU students must obtain instructor’s approval to register for any TC course. Contact instructors individually to secure written, signed approval. If you are unable to reach an instructor directly, you should try contacting the academic department office.
  • Follow the cross-registration procedures developed by UTS. As required, present written instructor’s approval to the UTS Registrar.
  • UTS will handle billing and payment for Teachers College courses.
  • Within 24-48 hours of your registration, UTS will forward your registration data to TC so that it can be entered in TC’s information system.
  • Access to online course content:
    • Three to five business days after your initial registration at UTS, you should be able to access online course content through the myTC Portal. Use your Columbia University UNI and your UNI password to log on. Remember that your UNI is the first part of your Columbia e-mail address, preceding the “@” (e.g.,
    • When you enter the Portal for the first time, you should activate your TC Gmail by clicking the Gmail link the upper right corner of the web page.
    • If you cannot access online content after five business days, please take the following steps to troubleshoot:
      • Check with UTS to ensure that you are properly registered.
      • If you are registered at UTS and still cannot access online course content, please ask that the UTS Registrar verify your registration with TC’s Registrar.
      • If you have received confirmation that your enrollment is correct in both TC’s and UTS's systems, please e-mail TC’s Registrar at In your e-mail, be sure to include your UNI, name, and the CRN and name of the TC course for which you registered. We will initiate an inquiry with our Academic Computing Department.
    • We recommend that you check your TC Gmail account in the Portal at least once a day or to have your TC e-mail forwarded to an external account that you do check daily. TC instructors use e-mail to communicate with students, and you can miss out on important course information if you do not retrieve messages from your TC account often enough. 
  • Course grades: Your instructor will report your grade to the Registrar at TC. We will then forward that grade to the UTS Registrar near the end of each semester as the grades come to us.
  • Review the TC schedule for important course information. You will probably need the course reference number (CRN) to register, so please make a note of it. The CRN is a five-digit number. Also be aware that some TC courses require all students to obtain instructor’s approval to register. You should secure written, signed instructor’s approval when necessary. If you are unable to reach an instructor directly, you should try contacting the academic department office.
  • Follow the registration procedures developed by your home school. Present written instructor's approval to the JTS Registrar as required.
  • TC tuition charges are assessed by and payable at JTS. However, special course fees, noted on the TC schedule, are payable directly at Teachers College, Office of Student Accounts, 525 W. 120th St. Box 305, New York, NY 10027.
  • JTS will forward your registration data to TC so that it can be entered in TC's information system.
  • Access to online course content:
    • By registering for a TC course, you will be eligible for full online course access, but you must first retrieve and activate your Columbia University UNI (a University network ID) and e-mail account. Your UNI consists of two or three letters (based on your initials) and a number: E.g., zxq1234. The UNI also forms the first part of your Columbia University e-mail account, as in
    • Three to five business days after your initial registration at the JTS Registrar, visit this web site to activate your UNI:
      • Search for your own name under "Forgot your UNI?" The search should return your UNI.
      • Once you have your UNI, click "Activate a new UNI account" and follow the prompts. You will need to enter your date of birth to activate your account.
    • Once you have activated your UNI and set a password, you should be able to access online course content through the myTC Portal
    • When you enter the Portal for the first time, you should activate your TC Gmail by clicking the Gmail link the upper right corner of the web page.
    • If you cannot access online course content after five business days, please take the following steps to troubleshoot:
      • Check with JTS to ensure that you are properly registered.
      • If you are registered at JTS and still cannot access online course content, please ask that the JTS Registrar verify your registration with TC's Registrar
      • If you have received confirmation that your enrollment is correct in both TC's database and in JTS's, please e-mail TC's Registrar at In your e-mail, be sure to include your UNI, name, and the CRN and name of the TC course for which you registered. We will initiate an inquiry with our Academic Computing Department.
    • We recommend that you check your TC Gmail account in the Portal at least once a day or to have your TC e-mail forwarded to an external account that you do check daily. TC instructors use e-mail to communicate with students, and you can miss out on important course information if you do not retrieve messages from your TC account often enough.
  • Course grades: Your instructor will report your grade to the Registrar at TC. We will then forward that grade to the JTS Registrar near the end of each semester as the grades come to us.


  • Review the TC schedule for important course information. You will need the five-digit course reference number (CRN) to register, so please make a note of it.
  • Complete the IUDC Registration Form. You will need to obtain all four applicable signatures before the TC Registrar can process your registration.
    • First obtain signatures from your home school academic advisor and IUDC Coordinator. A list of IUDC Coordinators appears on the registration form.
    • Next obtain a signature from the instructor of your TC course. Instructors’ names are listed on the online course schedule. If you have difficulty reaching an instructor personally, you should try to reach him/her through one of the academic department offices.
    • A list of IUDC Coordinators is available on the registration form. You will need a signature from the coordinator at your home school as well as from TC’s coordinator, Christopher Nieves, the College's Registrar.
    • Return the completed registration form to both your home school IUDC Coordinator and to the Registrar’s Office at TC. Alternatively, you may e-mail your form to or fax it to (212) 678-4050. Please note that we will return the form to you if it is incomplete.
    • While you will not pay tuition for the course to TC, please be aware that you may be liable for any special course fees. These fees are assessed for some courses to cover the costs of required instructional materials. Special fee amounts are listed on the TC course schedule next to individual sections that require fee payment. If you do have a balance due for special fee charges, please send payment to the Teachers College Office of the Bursar, 525 W. 120th St. Box 305, New York, NY 10027.
  • Please note that IUDC students are required to abide by all COVID-19 safety protocols.

Access to online course content:

  • By registering for a TC course, you will be eligible for full online course access, but you must first retrieve and activate your Columbia University UNI (a University network ID) and e-mail account. Your UNI consists of two or three letters (based on your initials) and a number: E.g., zxq1234. The UNI also forms the first part of your Columbia University e-mail account, as in
  • Two to three business days after you turn in your completed registration form to the TC Registrar, visit this web site to activate your UNI:
    • Search for your own name under “Forgot your UNI?” The search should return your UNI.
    • Once you have your UNI, click “Activate a new UNI account” and follow the prompts. You will need to enter either your date of birth to activate your account.
  • Once you have activated your UNI and set a password, you should be able to access online course content through the myTC Portal.
  • When you enter the Portal for the first time, you should activate your TC Gmail by clicking the Gmail link the upper right corner of the web page.
  • If you cannot access online course content after three business days, please e-mail TC’s Registrar at In your e-mail, be sure to include your UNI, name, and the CRN and name of the TC course for which you registered. We will initiate an inquiry with our Academic Computing Department.
  • Using your UNI and the password you’ve set, we recommend that you check your TC Gmail account in the Portal at least once a day or to have your TC e-mail forwarded to an external account that you do check daily. TC instructors use e-mail to communicate with students, and you can miss out on important course information if you do not retrieve messages from your TC account often enough. 
  • Course grades: Your instructor will report your grade to the Registrar at TC. We will then send an academic transcript to your home institution near the end of each semester as the grades come to us.
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