Teachers College Grants & Other Awards
Some Teachers College grants require you to submit a separate application. These grants are funded by Teachers College as an institution to support our own students, faculty, and academic programs for specific projects or endeavors
You may qualify for this grant if you are enrolled in a Teachers College Master's or Doctoral program. If you are selected, you will receive up to $2,000 for a project that advances education and scholarly inquiry at Teachers College. This is a competitive grant program, with between five and eight grants awarded each year.
To learn more or to apply, visit the website of the Office of the Vice Dean for Research, which manages the award program, or email: deansgrants_studentresearch@tc.columbia.edu.
If you are a current Doctoral student who has defended or will defend your dissertation, then you may be eligible for this grant. The grant provides $6,250 to Ed.D. students to recognize and support outstanding doctoral work, recipients are selected based on merit. Ph.D. students may qualify for an extra $1,500 award, given to help cover the tuition charged for the semester when you defend your dissertation.
Eligibility Criteria
- Current doctoral student enrollment, registered for semester applied, and in good academic standing.
- Fully certified and approved dissertation proposal with IRB approval on file with the Office of Doctoral Studies.
- Has defended or is on track to defend a dissertation during the semester applied.
How to Apply
You may apply by submitting a DDG Interest Form, available each Fall and Spring semester,
to the Office of Financial Aid. In addition, you must include:
- A written statement that describes:
- The focus of your dissertation inquiry, including a statement of rationale, research questions, and methods for collection and analyses of data.
- The status of your dissertation project to date.
- The timeline for completion of your dissertation, including the oral defense
- A one-page letter of recommendation from your Teachers College faculty dissertation sponsor that addresses:
- The importance of the question being asked in your dissertation
- An affirmation that your proposed dissertation timeline is feasible and realistic
- A copy of your Curriculum Vitae
Fall 2024 |
Spring 2025 |
Application Available |
October 16, 2024 |
February 12, 2025 |
Application Submission Deadline |
November 13, 2024 |
March 12, 2025 |
Decision Release* |
November 25, 2024 |
March 24, 2025 |
*Decisions will be released on or after the date referenced above.
To support and enhance the quality of elementary school education within the local community, Columbia University offers partial scholarships of between 6 and 18 credits per year to qualified elementary school teachers to earn a Master’s degree from Columbia University or Teachers College. To learn more, please visit Columbia Neighbors and submit your application here.
If you are a current Doctoral student who has an approved dissertation proposal that is primarily focused on Women's Health, including sexuality and gender studies, then you may be eligible for this grant.
Eligibility Criteria
- Currently enrolled Doctoral student for the term in which you are applying for the award.
- Have an approved dissertation topic that is demonstrably related to Women's Health with a reasonable defense timeline.
- Be in good academic standing at the time of application and maintain good standing throughout the duration of the academic year in which the grant is awarded.
How to Apply
You may apply by submitting the Karen Baldwin Research Dissertation Grant Application, available only during the Spring semester, to the Office of Financial Aid. In addition, you must include:
- A written statement, no longer than three pages, that describes:
- Working Dissertation Title and a brief abstract of your dissertation topic.
- Date/Proposed Date of Dissertation Proposal Hearing.
- Proposed Date of Dissertation Defense.
- A copy of your Curriculum Vitae
- A letter of recommendation from your faculty advisor supporting your dissertation work and proposed dissertation proposal/defense timeline.
Spring 2025 |
Application Available |
February 12, 2025 |
Application Submission Deadline |
March 12, 2025 |
Decision Release |
March 24, 2025 |
If you seek to present research at professional conferences, the Provost's Grant may reimburse your costs to attend conferences and share your research. To learn more about this grant, or to apply, email TC NEXT.
Students enrolled in a teacher certification program at TC may qualify for a grant under the Teachers Opportunity Corps (TOC) program, which is funded by the NYS Department of Education and is designed to increase the number of NYS teachers from underrepresented backgrounds. To learn more and apply, please go to the Office of Teacher Education.
External Grants & Other Awards
External grants and scholarships come from institutions other than Teachers College, Columbia University. You may be able to secure outside grant funding for graduate school from government entities, private foundations, community organizations, employers, or other organizations, and we encourage you to thoroughly explore your options.
If an external organization will fund or pay for your graduate education, you must notify the Office of Financial Aid. If payment will is to be issued directly to you or to the institution, please have this directed to the Office of the Bursar for processing, as it will be considered a third-party payment. Further instructions can be found on the Office of the Bursar website.
Below is a select list of external scholarships and awards that some of our students may have received in the previous years. Representation on this list does not constitute an endorsement by Teachers College. It is your responsibility to understand the qualifications and terms of each program.
If you receive payment from an external scholarship, you must notify our Office of Financial Aid about the scholarship. Please have the check sent to the Office of the Bursar for processing, as it will be considered a third-party payment.
Our staff developed the following list of outside scholarships as a starting point, but it is your responsibility to check the qualifications and terms of each program.
- AIGC Scholarships/Fellowships
- American Foundation for the Blind Scholarship
- American Institute of Indian Studies
- Armenian International Women's Association Scholarships
- BPW/NYS Grace LeGendre Endowment Funds, Inc
- Columbia University Scholarship for Displaced Students
- Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute Scholarship
- DAR National Society Scholarship
- Ford Foundation Fellowship Programs
- Fulbright Scholars Program
- Gates Millennium Scholars
- Hispanic Scholarship Fund
- Human Rights Campaign Scholarship Database
- Jackson-Stricks Scholarship
- Jack Kent Cooke Dissertation Fellowship
- JCC of North America Graduate Scholarship Program
- JVSLA-JVS Scholarship Program
- Korean American Scholarship Foundation
- Osage Nation Department of Education Scholarship
- PEO International Projects/Philanthropists
- Point Foundation
- Roothbert Fund Scholars Program
- Scholarships for Students who are Blind or Visually Impaired
- Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Scholarships/Grants
- AERA Dissertation Grant
- AIR Grant Program
- Carter Center Internship Program
- The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Fellowships
- Harry S. Truman Scholarship
- Laura Bassi Scholarship
- The New York State Assembly Internship
- Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans
- Samvid Scholars Graduate Fellowship
- White House Fellowship
- Woodrow Wilson Fellowships
- American Association of University Women
- American Psychological Association Scholarship Search Database
- American Statistical Association Scholarships for Graduate Students
- ARCE Fellowship
- Byron Hanke Fellowship
- David L. Boren Graduate Fellowship
- The Edna A. Lauterbach Scholarship for Nurses in NYS
- Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowship
- Harry Frank Guggenheim Emerging Scholar Awards
- International Research and Exchanges Board Inc.
- James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
- Japan Foundation Grants
- Jeanne S. Chall Research Fellowship
- K. Patricia Cross Future Leaders Award
- Kettering Foundation Research Fellowships
- Knowles Teaching Initiative Fellowships
- Leakey Foundation Research Grants
- Leon Bradley Scholarship
- Margaret McNamara Memorial Fund
- Math for America (MfA) Fellowships
- Mathematica Policy Research Summer Fellowship
- Music & Music Education External Scholarships
- National AMBUCS Scholarships for Therapists
- National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
- Newberry Library Fellowships in the Humanities
- Pathways to Science: STEM Fellowships and Scholarships
- Senator Patricia K. McGee Nursing Faculty Scholarship Program
- SNFPHI Summer Grants in Public Humanities and Hellenic Studies
- SPSSI Awards
- SSRC Fellowships & Grants
- Teach NYC Speech Language/Pathology Scholarship
- TIRF for English Language Education
- United Health Foundation: Diversity in Health Care Scholarship
- US Institute of Peace Grants & Fellowships
- Webucator Scholarships for Computer Science Students
- Winifred R. Reynolds Educational Scholarship