A&HF 4090 Philosophies of Education
An introduction to primary texts, central questions, and rival traditions in philosophy of education. An invitation to develop one's own philosophy of education.
A&HF 4091 The Call to Teach
Reading and discussion of philosophical and other works that illuminate what it means to be a teacher, whether of children, youth, or adults. Consideration of motives, rewards, and challenges in teaching.
A&HF 4092 Education and the Aesthetic Experience
An invitation to engage with works of art which challenge conventional ways of thinking and perceiving; consideration of the relation of art, imagination, and education.
A&HF 4094 School and Society
An examination of historical and contemporary conceptions of the relation between schools and society. Consideration of issues in social and political philosophy that bear on the question of why have schools at all.
A&HF 4190 Philosophies of Education: North America
Major American thinkers and outlooks and their impact on education: Thoreau, Emerson, Fuller, and transcendentalism; Pierce, James, Dewey, and pragmatism; Douglass, Du Bois, and African-American education; Anthony, Stanton, Addams, and feminism.
A&HF 4192 Ethics and Education
An introduction to influential philosophical perspectives on professional ethics. Attention to the roles, relations, and responsibilities of educators in the context of such ethical considerations as the good human life, practical wisdom, and virtue ethics.
A&HF 4193 Africana Philosophies of Education
A study of philosophies of education that derive from the experience of African-Americans, Africans, and people of African descent around the world. Reading of classics by figures such as W. E.B. Du Bois, Aimé Césaire, Anna Julia Cooper, Frantz Fanon, and Alain Locke, as well as contemporary thinkers.
A&HF 4194 Dialogue and Difference in the Multicultural Classroom
Philosophical exploration of the pedagogical, psychological, social, and political issues surrounding the recognition and misrecognition of difference. Consideration of theories of dialogue from Plato to Freire.
A&HF 4196 Identity and Ideals: Visions of Human Flourishing
An introduction to influential philosophical perspectives on what it means to be a successful, whole, and flourishing human being. Attention to issues of personal identity and personal ideals and how these can evolve over time.
A&HF 4198 Philosophies of Education in the Americas: Latin America
An introduction to significant lines of philosophical inquiry about education across Latin America, from pre-conquest civilizations through the present time. Consideration of writings by Bartolomé de las Casas, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Aimé Césaire, José Enrique Rodó, Gabriela Mistral, José Carlos Mariátegui, and others.
A&HF 4900 Independent Study: Philosophy and Education
Permission of instructor required.
A&HF 5090 The Philosophy of John Dewey
An analysis of the principal educational works of John Dewey.
A&HF 5092 Philosophy Goes to School
An introduction to pre-college philosophy education. Analysis of children's philosophical thinking and of the philosophical dimensions of children's literature. Class participants will create a ‘community of inquiry’ by studying cognitive, social and philosophical aspects of classroom discussion.
A&HF 5093 Ways of Knowing
Readings in epistemology in the context of teaching, learning, and educational research, from classical and enlightenment sources to feminist, hermeneutic, psychoanalytic, and postmodern critiques. Topics include objectivity and subjectivity and problems of interpretation in the arts, humanities, and natural and social sciences.
A&HF 5190 Critical Perspectives in Philosophy and Education
Close reading and discussion of classic and contemporary critical theories. Examination of class, gender, race, and sexuality issues in canon, classroom, and society.
A&HF 5590 Voices in Philosophy and Education
A master's thesis writing workshop for graduating students in the program of Philosophy and Education.
A&HF 5591 Educational Debates in Philosophical Perspective
A focus on cosmopolitanism, humanism, and education. Readings by scholars from the world over who see in these ideas renewed promise for the purposes of education in our era.
A&HF 5596 Topics in Educational Ethics and Moral Philosophy
Topics vary but may include any of the following: the moral sources of educational aims, the nature of ideals, the ethics of teaching, moral education, and meta-ethics.
A&HF 5600 Colloquium in Philosophy and Education
A series of formal presentations and discussions with scholars in the field of Philosophy and Education.
A&HF 6000 Doctoral Pro-seminar: Ancient Philosophy and Education
Permission of instructor required. For first- and second-year doctoral students in Philosophy and Education. Close reading and discussion of primary texts in ancient philosophy that have shaped the field of philosophy of education. Complements A&HF 6100.
A&HF 6100 Doctoral Pro-seminar: Modern Philosophy and Education
Permission of instructor required. For first- and second-year doctoral students in Philosophy and Education. Close reading and discussion of primary texts in modern philosophy that have shaped the field of philosophy of education. Complements A&HF 6000.
A&HF 6500 Dissertation Proposal Workshop in Philosophy and Education
Permission of instructor required. Prerequisites: A&HF 6000 and A&HF 6100. An ongoing writing workshop required of all doctoral students after completion of the Proseminar sequence. Students develop research interests, hone philosophical skills, and draft dissertation proposals. Offered every Fall and Spring semester.
A&HF 6590 Advanced Seminar in Philosophy & Education
For doctoral students in Philosophy and Education or by permission of instructor. Topics vary and may range from close reading of a single text to exploration of a key concept or problematic. Past topics include contemporary theories of democratic education, cosmopolitanism and education, and conceptions of teacher education.
A&HF 6900 Advanced Research in Philosophy and Education
Permission of instructor required. For doctoral students in Philosophy and Education only.
A&HF 7500 Dissertation Seminar in Philosophy and Education
Permission of instructor required. Required of doctoral students in the semester following successful completion of the doctoral certification process or in the semester in which the student defends the dissertation proposal, whichever comes first.
A&HF 8900 Dissertation Advisement in Philosophy and Education
Permission of instructor required. Individual advisement on doctoral dissertations. For requirements, see section in catalog on Continuous Registration for Ed.D./Ph.D. degrees. Fee to equal 3 points at current tuition rate for each term.