How to Participate
Since these trips started in 2006, every TC CSD master’s student who wanted to come on one of these trips has been able to come. Over the years, between 50-60% of the TC CSD master’s students have come on one of the trips (only TC CSD master’s students are eligible to come).
Students register for one of their two-credit required electives and for a one-credit practicum. These credits meet program requirements, and are not additional credit expenses.
Students have a course pack and clinic manual and participate in preparatory meetings before the group leaves. While in-country, the group meets daily to integrate their cultural and linguistic experiences with course pack readings and to discuss how to make the clinical experiences most effective. Included on the trip are ASHA-certified speech language pathologists who, with Dr. Crowley, supervise the clinical experiences.
The costs of the trip are borne by the students, but often there is funding available for several students who want to raise money for the trip. Generally the costs are the round trip flight, hotel and breakfast (about $30 per night), some trips to see parts of the country, additional meals, and souvenirs.