Integrative Project

The Integrative Project

Teachers College is unique in requiring all Master’s level students to complete an independent research project called an Integrative Project as their capstone achievement before receiving their degree. The Integrative Project is an exciting opportunity for students to weave together the knowledge base they have developed during their time within the program. Students are expected to consolidate different components of their education, integrating their practical training, didactic courses, and the research skills they have honed with professors or other mentors in venues outside of TC. The Integrative Project is an invitation and a space for students to think about a particular area of interest that they have been clarifying or intensifying during their tenure in the program. The result should be a polished product students can make use of once they leave TC and begin their careers in the helping professions.

While the process does not include a committee review and oral defense as is typical for a Master’s Thesis, the Integrative Project is intended to be a similarly rigorous learning experience, in which students demonstrate a clear degree of competence in their chosen field of study. Students are therefore encouraged to prepare a significant piece of scholarship that captures the breadth and depth that would be characteristic of a graduate level thesis (25-50 page paper, required: at least 25 pages). 

At its best, the Integrative Project can serve as a bridge between a student’s classroom education and the world that lies outside. It is strongly suggested that students use the Integrative Project as a vehicle to make contact with professionals beyond TC that may later serve as useful links to career development (e.g. employment, publication, graduate school, etc.). The Integrative Project is yet another way to expand one’s network and build relationships for the future by cultivating work with TC faculty or in other relevant settings.

Upload IP Topic by
Apply to Graduate by
IP Draft due to Sponsor by
Sponsor Eval. due
IP due
If you want to graduate in October 
July 1st
August 1st
August 1st
 September 1st
September 7th 
If you want to graduate in February 
 November 1st
November 1st
December 2nd
January 2nd
January 7th 
If you want to graduate in May 
February 1st
February 1st
March 1st
April 1st
April 7th 

The best time to begin the IP process is in the second semester of your first year. To begin, start with what you know or have always wanted to learn more about. Pick an area of research that is well-matched with the type of work or training you wish to engage in after graduation. If you are currently in a research laboratory, working in a mental health or related facility, or affiliated with a worthwhile organization look around: Is there a question to be explored? A problem that has been left unaddressed? An inquiry to pursue? 

Students may choose to meet with Jada Rene Flint, the Integrative Project Advisor, early on to brainstorm potential projects. She will serve as a sounding board to help you think critically about what you want to research and what type of project to seek out. In addition, she will help address any pending questions regarding the Integrative Project. 


Conceptual Formats

  • Analysis of pre-existing data
  • Analysis of data collected by student
  • Comprehensive Review of Literature 
  • Clinical Case Study 
  • Questionnaire Construction
  • Qualitative Study
  • Grant Proposal for Future Research

The Psychology in Education program allows students to select a Sponsor who has demonstrated expertise in the content area that the student would like to focus on. These Sponsors must be approved at time of the student's formal proposal by the Program Director who functions as the de facto Integrative Projects Advisor to all of the students in the program.

An IP Sponsor is required to:

  1. Have completed doctoral education in their respective field (e.g., Ph.D, PsyD, MD, JD),
  2. Be knowledgeable about the content area the student is working in,
  3. Maintain a professional relationship with the student, and
  4. Complete the Sponsor Information Form


The Role of the Sponsor

The role of the Sponsor, at minimum, is to review the completed Integrative Project, and provide a qualitative evaluation using the Online IP Evaluation Form. In many cases students work closely with their Sponsors, who provide mentorship on the project, as well as an evaluation of the result. This model has allowed students to work in content areas that are well beyond the reach of our core faculty, and acquire expertise in areas that are intrinsically valuable to them.  

Our Program hopes that sponsors will maintain appropriately high standards for rigor, depth and breadth in evaluating the work of our students. In each case, the student should demonstrate a clear objective in completing the research. Although the ambition and scope of these projects vary widely; at a minimum, the manuscript should be well-written, carefully edited, and conform to American Psychological Association guidelines with regard to style and citations. The overview of the literature should be comprehensive, and include recent empirical work that shows a thoughtful awareness of the relevant literature. Research proposals or reports should demonstrate a firm grasp of the relevant methods, and ethical standards, and analyses should be appropriate to answer the questions being asked in the study.


Sponsor's Evaluation

The Sponsor's evaluation should reflect their honest assessment of the quality of the student's finished work. In rare cases, students embark on a project that is far too ambitious for their available resources, and is unable to deliver a coherent report at the end of the process. In such cases, the Sponsor is encouraged to contact the Program Director who will in turn address the issue with the student and formulate a plan for remediation.

Please Note: Sponsors must submit their evaluations via the online Evaluation Form:

  • September 1st for students who plan to graduate in October
  • January 2nd for students who plan to graduate in Febraury
  • April 1st for students who plan to graduate in May

Following the brainstorming process and selecting a sponsor, a next step is to submit either powerpoint presentation or word document of your topic proposal to the IP Proposal Upload Tool. The proposal should be a coherent outline of the Integrative Project that includes:

  1. A brief overview of the relevant literature, 
  2. Exploration of the gaps in the current research,
  3. A carefully worded research question,
  4. Explanation of the possible contributions of the topic in the field, and
  5. A description of the planned methods (i.e. conceptual format)
Upload IP Topic by
Apply to Graduate by
If you want to graduate in October 
July 1st
August 1st
If you want to graduate in February 
 November 1st
November 1st
If you want to graduate in May 
February 1st
February 1st

Once you have secured approval from the program director, you will begin to independently formulate a timeline and milestones for timely completion. In this period, the context of your research question will be thoroughly explored and your project will set forth on addressing this question via your research design. The following requirements below should be followed:

  • APA Style Format
  • At least 25 pages, excluding references and an appendices with no more than 4 pages of relevant in-text graphs and figures (additional figures should go into appendix)  
  • Writing already submitted elsewhere (e.g., as coursework or for publication) may not be submitted for the Integrative Project. You may expand on previous work, but be aware that re-submitting previous work is tantamount to plagiarism of oneself. As with any other area of academic endeavor, plagiarism on the Integrative Project will be treated very seriously and may result in expulsion from the College
  • No co-authors are permitted. The Integrative Project must be completed independently by the student.

NOTE: Along the way you may be in need of more support to clarify your research ideas. The Program Advisors and Program Director are available for consultation on this. Additionally, the Writing Center at TC is available for support on the writing and editing process. If you plan to collect your own data, be sure to consult with TC’s IRB office.

CCPX 4001 Integrative Project Course

All CCPX students in their FINAL SEMESTER must enroll in CCPX 4001 Integrative Project for 0 credit. 

Integrative Project Sponsor's Evaluation

Student must turn in the final draft of your Integrative Project to your Sponsor ONE MONTH prior to the deadline to give them plenty of time to review and evaluate it. You should coordinate with your Sponsor about their expectations for the number of drafts they are willing to read.  Completion of the IP Evaluation Form is assurance that your sponsor has indeed read, approved, and rated your work.  

Evaluation of the Integrative Project Online Form - For Sponsors


Completed Project

At the completion of the project, make sure not to leave any loose ends. The student is responsible for turning in the project on time (see deadlines below).

  1. Turn in the final draft of your Integrative Project to your sponsor one month prior to the final deadline.
  2. Have the Evaluation of the Integrative Project for MA Program form filled out by your Sponsor.
  3. Fill out the Psychology in Education Exit Survey to submit a digital copy of your Integrative Project by deadline date. Submit a PDF version of your Integrative Project as “Last name_First name Title of Your Project.pdf”.

Confirmation of your completed Integrative Project will be submitted to the Registrar. Your degree audit will then be updated to show that the Integrative Project was completed and approved.



There are three deadlines for the submission of the Integrative Project Evaluation Form and the final Integrative Project:

Upload IP Topic by
Apply to Graduate by
IP Draft due to Sponsor by
Sponsor Eval. due
IP due
If you want to graduate in October 
July 1st
August 1st
August 1st
 September 1st
September 7th 
If you want to graduate in February 
 November 1st
November 1st
December 2nd
January 2nd
January 7th 
If you want to graduate in May 
February 1st
February 1st
March 1st
April 1st
April 7th 

Honorable Mention

Integrative Projects Sponsors are welcome to nominate exceptional student projects for a Honorable Mention. The Integrative Projects that are recommended for Honorable Mention will be reviewed and selected for a Program Award. The program typically distributes five awards for outstanding projects each year at the Integrative Projects Showcase.  Consideration for Program Awards are based on:

  • The methodological rigor of the study,
  • The novelty of the research question,
  • The importance of the research question, and
  • Contribution to the broader understanding of clinical phenomena


Integrative Project Showcase

The Integrative Projects Showcase is a yearly research fair where students are invited to present their projects. Any studies are invited to submit a research poster; however, students who were selected for Honorable Mention are strongly encouraged to prepare a poster.

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