Current Students

Current Students

The Education Policy program prepares students for their careers as policy analysts, policy advocates, and education researchers. As you read through our website and evaluate if this program is a good match for you, consider the perspectives of our current students and alumni.


Meet Our Doctoral Students

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We are delighted to announce the launch of our new online profiles for Doctoral Students at Teachers College.

If you are a currently enrolled doctoral student at Teachers College, please visit the profile submission page for more information on how you can create your own profile.

M.A. in Education Policy

Sarah Anwar

Specialization: K-12 Education Policy

Ghipsel Cibrian

Specialization: Data Analysis and Research Methods

Alex Dworetzky

Specialization: K-12 Education Policy

Emily Glovin

Specialization: K-12 Education Policy

Ericka Hill

Specialization: Early Childhood Education Policy

Lorenzo L. Johnson Jr.

Specialization: Data Analysis and Research Methods

Carrie Mannino

Specialization: Law and Education

Hanna Nichols

Specialization: Data Analysis and Research Methods

Julia Poel

Specialization: K-12 Education Policy

Andres Rubiano

Specialization: K-12 Education Policy

Julia Siegle

Specialization: K-12 Education Policy

Georgia Swan-Ambrose

Specialization: K-12 Education Policy

Dharma Wong

Specialization: TBD

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