Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

The Program

A minimum of 75 course credits for the Ph.D. is required. Students also must pass a research certification exam, typically toward the end of their second year. In addition, two qualifying papers must be submitted based on students' academic work and research. A dissertation is the capstone of the degree requirements.


Required classes cover four main areas: 1) research and statistics, 2) theory in social-organizational psychology, 3) practice in social-organizational psychology, and 4) integrative experiences (research workgroups). In addition, students are encouraged to take courses in related areas, such as in other psychology fields, business, or human development to ensure breadth of study. More detailed information about coursework and requirements can be found in our Ph.D. Handbook and the Ph.D. worksheet, which is available on-line.


It is possible to receive up to 15 credits for previous graduate work, if these credits meet social-organizational psychology program requirements. The number of credits that may be transferred is determined on a case-by-case basis by the Transfer Credit Coordinator (located in the Office of Admissions) and the student’s academic advisor. (Handout “Policies and Procedures: How to Transfer Graduate Credits Earned Outside of Teachers College” is available in the Office of Admissions.)


The program requires students to complete three practical courses, such as Group Dynamics (ORL 5362), Practicum: Organization Change & Consultation (ORLJ 6343), Fieldwork in Change, Coaching and Supervision (ORLJ 6244), and Process Consultation (ORLJ 6349). In addition, many students complement their academic experience with internships in a variety of organizations in and out of the New York metropolitan area. Organizations where social-organizational psychology Ph.D. students have recently worked or had an internship include Booz Allen Hamilton, Colgate Palmolive Company, NASA, McKinsey & Company, Nike, Meta, Johnson & Johnson, UCLA, National Basketball Association (NBA), ADP, Mercer, Port Authority, and the United Nations.


In Research Work Groups, students participate in all phases of the research process, including the design and conduct of research. Many times, this participation leads to presentations at professional conferences or publications in journals and books with faculty. Students have recently presented their research at annual conferences hosted by the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) and the Academy of Management. Students are required to participate in at least one workgroup per semester for a minimum of eight semesters overall. More detailed information about workgroups and their activities can be found in the “Expectations: Research” section of the Ph.D. handbook.


The number of students per workgroup varies but typically ranges from 3 to 6.


Only full-time students are accepted into our program.


The average amount of time is 6-7 years for dedicated students.


Yes, Ph.D. students can receive either an M.A. in organizational psychology or an M.A. in social psychology, provided that they meet the course and degree requirements of either M.A. The organizational psychology degree requires 39 credits and the social psychology requires 32, and both require the completion of at least one qualifying paper. 


Teachers College is an affiliate of Columbia University. The College has its own Board of Trustees, administration and budget, while having access to resources of Columbia University, such as the library, health services, recreational center, and so forth.

All degrees are granted by Columbia University.

All students serve as graduate teaching assistants. In addition, teaching opportunities may be available to advanced students who are near to completing their course work, or who have completed their course work. Students should consult the Ph.D. Program Coordinator regarding available opportunities.


Numerous opportunities exist for students to work on research projects with faculty in research workgroups as well as to develop and pursue their own research projects and interests. Faculty encourages students to develop their own ideas and studies, leading to papers to meet program requirements or to publication opportunities.


Teachers College has been consistently ranked on U.S. News & World Report’s list of top graduate schools in education. More specifically, the social-organizational psychology doctoral program was ranked #9 based on student ratings of quality (The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 2018), and #9 for total publications in a survey of research productivity among I/O psychology doctoral programs (The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 2014, pp. 40-52). A number of the social organizational psychology faculty have received national awards and recognition for their contributions to research and practice.


Financial Considerations and Student Aid

Non-subsidized tuition* and fees for the college in the 2024-2025 Academic Year (AY) amount to approximately $45,078. With the inclusion of health insurance**, the cost is $53,666 (see table, below); this approximate amount does not include courses taken during the summer and does not include any additional course fees, cost for books, and housing expenses.  (Please note: All tuition and fees may increase for the 2025-2026 Academic Year.)

These approximate amounts are based on the following: 

Tuition (only) 2024-2025: 
(assuming 11 credits/semester = 22 credits/AY) 


(22  x $2,049/credit)

College fee:  $1,036  ($518/semester) 
Health fee: $1,388  ($694/semester)
Subtotal (not including health insurance, books, housing, course fees, etc) :  $47,502
Columbia Student Health Insurance (Aetna)** Fall/Spring: $2,348/$3,816
TOTAL (with health insurance;not including books, housing, course fees, etc):  $53,666

*All social-organizational psychology doctoral students receive tuition subsidies for their first four years in the program.

**Health and insurance fees may be waived if proof of comparable coverage from another source can be provided.

All students are required to serve as Teaching/Course assistants. Additional opportunities to serve as a teaching or course assistant beyond those required may be available. Students receive a small stipend for each semester of their teaching assistantship.

In order to allow for full immersion in the program, students are discouraged from working in the first two years of the program. However, some students work part-time in organizations to supplement their income throughout the program and most students do a full-time paid internship with a local business during the summer months. 

Work opportunities include teaching, consulting, coaching, and research in both profit and not-for-profit organizations.  We encourage students to pursue a wide range of experiences as doing so increases their knowledge of organizational life, helps to clarify career goals, and expands their network which is beneficial during the program and after graduation. 

Yes, students have received fellowships from various external agencies. Faculty support students through external funding and students are encouraged to apply for scholarships, grants, and fellowships.


Student Demographics

The total number of students ranges from 20 to 25, with 3 to 5 students per cohort. At any given time, about 12-15 students are “active,” meaning that they are still taking classes, participating in workgroups, and working on completing their formal requirements. The remainder of the students are working on their dissertations.


Approximately 64% of the students identify as female, 28% as male, and 8% as non-binary. Approximately 40% are students of color, and approximately 21% are international. On average, students tend to be in their mid to late-twenties when starting the program.


Students commute from around the Tri-State area. Students who relocate to New York City usually live near the university on the Upper West Side of Manhattan or graduate housing on campus.


Social-organizational psychology students come from a number of countries around the globe including, most recently, the United States, Canada, Greece, Brazil, Vietnam, China, Korea, India, Israel, Singapore, and Thailand. In addition, about a quarter of our students come straight from undergraduate studies and the majority have had significant experience in research or practice.


Student Life

Social-organizational psychology Ph.D. students and faculty meet regularly for a colloquium series to promote learning outside the classroom and foster a sense of community within the program. In addition, students engage in committee work with faculty to help with planning colloquia and speakers, social gatherings and parties, selecting and recruiting new students for the program, and so forth. Several student-run clubs aligned with Organizational Psychology are available for membership as well. These include Organization and Human Development Consulting Club (OHDCC) and the Columbia Chapter of the American Society of Training and Development.

Students are encouraged to join professional associations, such as the American Psychological Association, the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology, the Academy of Management, and the Society for Human Resource Management, and METRO. In addition, students are encouraged to attend and participate in professional conferences as well as take advantage of opportunities within the Columbia University system and the New York City area.

The atmosphere within the social-organizational psychology program can be described as collaborative, friendly, and relatively informal. Oftentimes, students work in groups on assignments or get together socially. Program faculty are accessible to students, and are supportive and open to students’ ideas, questions, and concerns.

There are about 25 student organizations at Teachers College, representing various aspects of the school’s diverse student body. In addition, Student Life organizes a range of activities on a regular basis, including workshops, social events, and networking opportunities. A list of student groups can be found online under Student Organizations at Teachers College.

Career Prospects

Our students are trained as both researchers and practitioners. Thus, jobs obtained after completion of the Ph.D. vary. Among the jobs our students obtain are: faculty members in university or business school settings, consulting positions in consulting firms, industry positions, and public sector positions. These positions include work in the areas of social psychology, organizational psychology, human resource management, organization change and development, negotiation and conflict resolution, research and statistics, leadership, work-family, coaching, compensation systems, and organizational dynamics.

TCNext, TC's career services office, offers consultation and placement services, as well as workshops on job search strategies and skills. In addition, Career Services organizes job fairs in which corporate recruiters visit the campus and provide other career related networking opportunities. For more information, please visit the TCNext website; Faculty, alumni, and peers also play an important role in helping students obtain jobs. 

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