Residency Supervisors

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Meet Our Residency Supervisors

Teaching Residents and their Mentor Teachers are paired with a Residency Supervisor who supervises the residency experience, thus forming what we call a "triad." Residency Supervisors conduct observations and provide continuous feedback and perspectives on curriculum development and teaching practices to the triad. Learn more about a few of our Residency Supervisors below!

A picture of Jim O’Toole
Residency Supervisor

Experience & Expertise

  • A 35-year career in education 
    • 6-12 Teacher
    • Staff Developer
    • School Leader
  • Teacher leadership, TESOL, Literacy Development, ELA, Social Studies, Navigating conversations with school leadership


A picture of Jennifer Passero
Residency Supervisor

Experience & Expertise

  • Former HS Math & Science Educator
  • Supervisor & Mentor for Science Education
  • Supervisor & Mentor for Peace Corps Fellows program
A picture of Paula Andros
Residency Supervisor

Experience and Expertise

  • Grades 6-12 teacher
  • Special education with high school math focus
  • WorkshopAdult literacy
  • Interdepartmental planning
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