Visiting Scholars and Students
Samuel Mendonça
Full Professor, Education Postgraduate Program at the Pontifical Catholic University of Campinas

Elena Theodoropoulou
Professor of Philosophy of Education

Elena is a Professor of Philosophy of Education with emphasis on Practical Philosophy. She has been a visiting professor at universities in France, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Canada, Brazil, Israel, Mexico, Taiwan, and Japan. She is the founding member of SofPhied (Société Francophone de Philosophie de l'Education) and Afierasm (Association francophone internationale d'éthique de la relation d'aide et de la santé mentale), a foreign researcher at the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal), at the National Foundation of Research (Brazil) and member of the Scientific Committee of the Unesco Chair "Practices of philosophy with children: an educational basis for the intercultural dialogue & the social transformation”. She is an associated researcher at the LLCP/ Université Paris 8, Vincennes-Saint-Denis, and founder of the international Network Philosophy of Education in Praxis (NePhedinPrax). Her editorial services include the journals, Amechanon and Epistrophe. She is the founder and director of the Laboratory of Research on Practical Philosophy (L.R.P.Ph.) and initiator and president of the International Biennale on Practical Philosophy.
Steven Zhao