Recommendations for Generative AI Use at TC

Recommendations for Generative AI Use for teaching at TC

It consultation photo

The TC AI and Pedagogy Working Group has developed a list of recommendations for using generative AI when teaching at TC. The group is facilitated by the Digital Futures Institute and includes TC faculty and staff. If you have any questions or comments, please email us at

  1. TC provides flexibility for instructors to experiment with and use generative AI in their courses
  2. Each TC instructor should set specific policies about student use of generative AI for their course assignments
  3. AI detection software tools, such as Turnitin’s AI writing detection feature, can inaccurately flag a student’s original writing as AI generated text. Therefore, the results should not be used by instructors to verify the authenticity of a student’s writing. 
  4. TC’s Student Conduct Code, Section 2.3.1 defines cheating as using or attempting to use unauthorized assistance, technology (including the uncited use of generative artificial intelligence), material or study aids in examinations or other academic work
  5. Generative AI that provides digital accessibility should be allowed as a baseline of access but checked and edited for accuracy.
  6. Discussions about the use of generative AI are encouraged and could include a human-centered AI (HCAI) approach.
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