IP Showcase

Integrative Project (IP) Showcase

2024 IP Showcase Posters

Gunay Mammadova IP Poster

Gunay Mammadova

(Re) Constructing national Identity Discourse in History Textbooks: The Case of the Republic of Azerbaijan

Gunay Mammadova IP Poster

Sabrina Huang IP Poster

Sabrina Huang

Perspectives on Current Language Education Policies in Taiwan

Sabrina Huang IP Poster

Sujung Hwang IP Poster

Sujung Hwang

South Korean Educators’ Understanding of Refugee Learners’ Needs in the Context of Non-Formal Educational Settings 

Sujung Hwang IP Poster

Mizael Becerra IP Poster

Mizael Becerra

From Adversity to Achievement: A Narrative Inquiry of Displaced Students

Mizael Becerra IP Poster

Angela Sanchez Rojas IP Poster

Ángela Sánchez Rojas

Empowering Teachers to Build Peace through Transitional Justice Education: The Case of “Justa-mente” 

Angela Sanchez Rojas IP Poster

Kefei Chang IP Poster

Kefei Chang

Toward Comprehensive Sexuality: A Sex Education Curriculum for High School Students in China

Kefei Chang IP Poster

Caylyn Bodger IP Poster

Caylyn Bodger

International Graduate Students’ Sense of Belonging at an Elite Higher Education Institution: The Case of Teachers College, Columbia University

Caylyn Bodger IP Poster

2023 IP Showcase Posters


Chenyi Zhao

A Critical Discourse Problematization Framework (CDPF) Analysis of "Double Reduction" Policy in China

IP Poster-Chenyi Zhao


Yixuan Lin

Exploring the Landscape of Teacher Education for Citizenship and Human Rights Education: A Rapid Review

Yixuan Lin 2023 IP Poster


Zhenyang Yu

What Factors Affect Israeli 8th Graders' Math Achievement? — A Two-Level Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM) Analysis

Zhenyang Yu IP Poster

2022 IP Showcase Posters


Yijing Du

Challenges and Opportunities in NYC School Sustainability During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Structural Topic Model Analysis


Shawna Richardson

The Localization Checklist: A Decolonial Approach to Scaling Up Early Childhood Education in Sierra Leone 


Akane Nakamura

Peace Education Curriculum Resource in a Multilingual School 

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