Introduction to Virtual Reality Workshop

Introduction to Virtual Reality Workshop

VR is making notable strides in higher education with many institutions experimenting and adopting it as a means to enhance learning and student engagement. Understanding and harnessing this emerging technology becomes paramount for the future of teaching and learning. This session covers the essentials of VR starting from what it is, VR devices, key distinctions between VR and AR and delving into its affordances for learning as well as challenges that need to be addressed in order to bring VR into the classroom. Additionally, you will also learn an array of VR applications spread across various learning subjects and get a chance to try out these applications in VR.


  • The basics of VR: what it is, what devices you need to experience VR, how to distinguish between VR and AR, its affordances for learning, opportunities and challenges
  • Real examples of VR applications used for an array of learning subjects
  • VR applications try out


  • Understand the core concepts of VR, differentiating between VR and AR, and familiarizing with the various VR headsets and their functionalities
  • Recognize the opportunities, affordances, and challenges of integrating VR into learning contexts, gaining insights into its transformative capabilities in teaching practices
  • Experience the immersive and interactive nature of VR applications firsthand and discuss its practical implications in teaching and learning

Available Duration: 60 mins or 90 mins

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