To increase support to all faculty members and researchers wishing to apply for external funding, the college has instituted a (5) business day internal deadline (before the sponsor's due date) submission policy. This will apply to all grant funding and contracting services being sought after. (Effective November 15, 2021)
With guidance and support from your Sponsored Project Administrator (SPA), advance notice and execution of your proposal package will ensure the capacity to review for compliance with sponsor guidelines, obtain all internal approvals, and resolve any system errors that may occur.
Requirement for All New & Additional Funding
Purpose: To help ensure the college will have time to review for compliance with the RFP and sponsor guidelines, obtain all internal approvals, and resolve any system errors that may occur.
What type of funding is covered by this policy? This is for all grant and contract submissions to external sponsors. This includes funding for research, fees for service initiatives, professional development activities, special events such as conferences, and any other external funding sought after requiring contracted agreements and reporting.
What is Due by 9 a.m. ET on the 5th Business Day
- Final documents of the following:
- Budget
- Budget Narrative
- Abstract/Project Summary/Scope of Work (SOW)
- All corresponding documents required by the sponsor for submission
- Subcontracting documents-budget, budget narrative, SOW, completed Subrecipient Information form
- PI Status Request (if applicable)
- Cost-Share Approval and index number (if applicable)
- Project Narrative/Project Description describing the full scope of the proposed project and References Cited due the day before the submission deadline
What if I can not meet the five-day deadline?
If you are unable to meet the five-day deadline for any reason (e.g., being Notified late of a funding opportunity, hurdles with completing tasks, etc.).
1. Notify your Sponsored Project Administrator
2. You may request a potential waiver via email to the Director of OSP (Natasha Guadalupe). Natasha will review the request and determine whether it needs to be escalated.
The request must include the following:
Sponsor Name
Deadline Date
The Sponsor posted the date opportunity
Anticipated award amount
Length of the proposed project
Scope of Work
Do you anticipate having subcontracts, if so how many?
Reason for inability to meet internal five-day deadline
What does it mean if I receive an exemption to the 5-day internal deadline?
It should be noted that waivers are not guaranteed.
Should you receive an exception approval from the Vice Dean for Research because of the complexities of the review and other projects being managed, the PI may not have until the deadline to submit all documents to OSP. As a result, the Director of OSP will coordinate a specified timeframe to submit information and documents associated with the approval.
Depending on the exception approval, the PI may still be required to submit forms as early as possible before the deadline. To help the PI submit the proposal most effectively, coordination with your SPA and Director of OSP will be conducted.
Please note: If waiver is granted and modified internal deadlines are not observed, approval for full submission may not be allowed.
Will OSP begin reviewing my proposal as soon as it is received?
Your sponsored project administrator will prioritize the review on a “first come, first served” basis, assuming the proposal was received within the required 5 business days.
I am a Postdoc or budget administrator, and the PI I support informed me that s/he needs to request an exception to the 5-day policy. What should I do?
It would be best if you worked with your PI to draft the reasoning for the exception and send it directly to the VD for Research, copying the Director of Sponsored Programs.
How will retroactive awards and/or proposals be treated? (Retroactive: a proposal submitted to the sponsoring agency without the necessary dept/college and/or OSP level review and approvals).
A retroactive proposal and or awards are NOT allowed. Any occurrences such as this are discouraged, and review of such instance will require review and approval by the Provost and Dean of the college. This includes retroactive proposals that arrive with an award agreement in hand.
I am a PI and would like to work on compiling data for the science portion of my proposal right up until the due date of the application. This may result in edits taking place prior to OSP’s submission. If all the other administrative forms, including budget, are submitted within the 5 day policy, is this acceptable?
A proposal is not considered complete and final until every portion is signed and marked final by the PI, This being said, the one exception to this rule is the proposal narrative. If the science is not complete within the 5 day policy, all other sections and required information must be forwarded on by the standard policy of 5 business days.
I am submitting a sub-agreement proposal to pass-through agency who is then submitting to primary sponsor (for example NSF)- TC is a sub. Although the NSF deadline is not for another 15 days the pass-through collaborator requires 10 days for review. When do I need to get this proposal to OSP for review?
You should assume pass-through collaborator’s internal deadline is the proposal deadline. Meaning, if it is due to Pass-through on Feb. 10 to meet their internal submission policy, then you need to submit the proposal to OSP 5 full business days ahead of Feb. 10 to be compliant with TC’s submission policy.
My PI received an exception approval, when do I have to submit the application to OSP?
Open-ended exception approvals are not granted. If a PI receives an exception approval the Director of OSP will attach a timeframe expectation to that approval. Meaning, the PI does not have until the day of the deadline to submit the proposal to OSP. Depending on the exception approval, the PI may be required to submit it 3 full business days prior to the deadline, in other cases 2 days may be required; it will depend on the nature of the exception approval.
OSP Pre-Award Support Commitment
1. SPA will guide you through the proposal submission for all funding types
2. Determine proposal eligibility
3. Coordinate requests for PI Status, if applicable
4. Obtain internal approvals via routing package
5. Technical support meeting reviewing all sponsor and internal guidelines for submission including project management deadlines
6. Assist in update Current & Pending Support table for training grant applications with PI information available
7. Create proposal checklist
8. Coordinate budget development
9. Coordinate with PI to gather Subaward information, including Subrecipient Information form; collaborate with Subcontractors OSP office
10. Complete boilerplate sponsor forms
11. Respond to Pre Award Notification Requests; assist with Just In Time Activities
12. Prepare and upload documentation to federal grant portals
13. Provide PI guidance on private sponsor uploads, if needed
14. Respond to budget update requests