The Black Education Research Center (BERC)
BERC is a center of scholars focused on education research at the intersections of Black history, culture, politics, and leadership. We are devoted to enriching Black education through transdisciplinary research, cross-sector collaboration, and policy advocacy. Our mission is to conduct, translate, and disseminate research that leads to improved educational opportunities, experiences, and outcomes for Black children and youth.
The Cahn Fellows Program for Distinguished Public School Principals
Fifteen month fellowship program for exceptional public school principals designed to strengthen their leadership practice. Fellows take on an action learning challenge project, under the guidance of TC faculty advisers, based on the needs and goals of their school. Fellows mentor an aspiring principal from within their school as a means to develop their own leadership, raise the leadership capacity at their school, increase the likelihood of success of the challenge project and cultivate the next generation of school leaders.
Education Leadership Data Analytics Research Group
Education Leadership Data Analytics (ELDA) helps school leaders make sense of the data that are collected on students and schools on a daily basis through applying current big data, data mining, and data science analytic techniques to educational issues that are important to teachers, principals, superintendents, parents, and most importantly, students. By identifying and visualizing the previously unknown patterns in the data, Education Leadership Data Analytics helps school leaders use more rich and contextualized data to inform evidence-based improvement cycles with their teachers and students as they make decisions on how to leverage the limited resources of schools to address specific student needs.
Klingenstein Center for Independent School Leadership
Full-year and Two-Summer master's programs, M.A./M.B.A. dual degrees and funded fellowships in leadership development for independent and international school educators. Programs serve early career teachers, mid-career administrators and heads of schools from a broad range of schools around the world. All Klingenstein Center programs focus on instructional leadership, collaboration and teamwork, a commitment to social justice and diversity, ethical behavior and reflective practice.