TC Alert
TC Alert, the College’s emergency mass notification system, functions to quickly provide critical safety information to community members whenever there is confirmation of an immediate threat to the health and safety of the campus community, such as an active shooter, missing persons, building evacuations, campus closures due to severe weather or other campus safety-related warnings.
TC Alert Enrollment:
Members with an active UNI
TC Alert automatically enrolls all community members with an active UNI into the TC Alert system via their TC UNI email. Auto-enrolled users can self-manage their alert preferences and add additional mobile phone numbers, email addresses, and voice-only lines by signing into the TC Student Portal or TC Employee Portal and selecting the Manage TC Alert Settings link in their Profile. Users can also update or opt out of voice and SMS notifications at any time but will always be enrolled in TC Alert via their TC UNI email.
Members without an active UNI
TC Alert allows members of the TC community without an active UNI to register for TC Alert via the TC Alert Community Portal. Community members without an active UNI can now create a TC Alert account and specify the email address and phone number where they would like to receive emergency notifications. Such users can update their preferences or opt out of the system at any time.