Faculty Honors

Faculty Honors

Kim Baranowski
Kim Baranowski (Ph.D. ’14, M.Ed. ’10)

Associate Director of the Mount Sinai Human Rights Program and Lecturer in the Department of Counseling & Clinical Psychology, is named a Citizen Psychologist by the American Psychological Association. Baranowski also receives Teachers College’s Early Career Award. Baranowski and her Mt. Sinai staff conduct forensic psychological evaluations of people seeking asylum in the United States. Physicians for Human Rights estimates that 90 percent of people who work with a forensic evaluator are ultimately granted asylum.

Jill Barshay
Jill Barshay

Staff writer and editor for The Hechinger Report, the nonprofit, independent news outlet based at Teachers College, receives AERA’s Award for Excellence in Media Reporting on Education Research. 

Jane Dickinson
Jane Dickinson

Director of TC’s Master of Science Program in Diabetes Education & Management, is elected to the Board of the American Association of Diabetes Educators.

Noah Drezner
Noah Drezner

Associate Professor of Higher Education, receives the 2018 James S. Armstrong Alumni Service Award, presented by the School of Arts, Sciences, & Engineering, University of Rochester.

Alex Eble, Assistant Professor of Economics and Education
Alex Eble

Assistant Professor of Economics & Education, is awarded a National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation postdoctoral fellowship.

Carol Garber
Carol Ewing Garber

Professor of Movement Sciences and Director of TC’s Graduate Program in Applied Exercise Physiology, delivers a Keynote Address on “Exercise As Medicine: Clinical and Public Health Perspectives” at Hofstra University, for Public Health Week.

Edmund Gordon Portrait by Bruce Gilbert
Edmund W. Gordon, Jr.

Richard March Hoe Professor Emeritus of Psychology & Education, is honored by Teachers College in July with an unveiling of his formal portrait, taken by photographer Bruce Gilbert.

Thomas James
Thomas James

Stepping down after 12 years as TC’s Provost, Dean and Chief Academic Officer, receives a medal from the Teachers College Alumni Association in recognition of his distinguished service. James, who remains Professor of History & Education at the College and Co-Director (with Ansley T Erickson, Associate Professor of History & Education) of the Center on History and Education, is honored for his “timeless and invaluable contributions to the intellectual and community life of Teachers College.”

Tresa Kaur (Photo: TC Archives)
Tresa Kaur

Lecturer in TC’s Nursing Education Program, receives an Alumni Award as an Outstanding Nurse Educator from the Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing. Kaur is an authority on online teaching, curriculum development, evaluation, simulation and nursing informatics.

Michelle Knight-Manuel, Professor of Education
Michelle Knight-Manuel

Professor of Education, receives the 2020 Willystine Goodsell Award from AERA’s Women in Education Special Interest Group. Knight-Manuel is also named Editor of the Teachers College Record, becoming the 13th scholar to serve as editor in the journal’s 119-year history. She succeeds Gary Natriello, who served as the Record’s editor from 1995 through June of this year. The Record is a monthly peer-reviewed journal of research, analysis and commentary in the field of education. The nation’s oldest journal devoted to education and educational research, it has been published continuously by the College since 1900.

Nancy Lesko
Nancy Lesko

Maxine Greene Professor for Distinguished Contributions to Education, receives the 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award of AERA Division B.

Henry Levin, William Heard Kilpatrick Professor of Economics and Education
Henry M. Levin

William Heard Kilpatrick Professor Emeritus of Economics & Education, receives AERA Division L’s 2019 Lifetime Achievement Award in Educational Policy and Politics. Levin also receives a national award in Los Angeles at the meeting of the Horace Mann League as the 2019 Recipient of the “Outstanding Friend of Public Education.”

Professor Nicholas Limerick
Nicholas Limerick

Assistant Professor of Anthropology & Education, wins the 2018 George Bereday Award from the Comparative & International Education Society for his article, “Kichwa or Quichua? Competing Alphabets, Political Histories, and Complicated Reading in Indigenous Languages,” published in Comparative Education Review. Limerick is also named a Concha Delgado Gaitán Presidential Fellow of the Council on Anthropology and Education.

Xiaodong Lin
Xiaodong Lin-Siegler

Professor of Cognitive Studies and founding director of TC’s Education for Persistence and Innovation Center (EPIC), receives the 2019 Asia Education Impact Award, given by Asia Educational Forum. The award is given annually to a highly accomplished scholar who has made exceptional discoveries and deepened understanding of the educational challenges that the world faces. Lin-Siegler also delivers a keynote address to The Population Council’s GIRL Center for Innovation, Research, and Learning at the 74th Session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA 74), sharing her preliminary research findings on how people conceptualize and react to failure.

Jamila Lyiscott
Jamila Lyiscott (Ph.D. ’15)

Senior Research Fellow at TC’s Institute for Urban and Minority Education (IUME) and Assistant Professor of Social Justice Education at University of Massachusetts Amherst, receives AERA’s Award for Outstanding Public Communication of Education Research.

Felicia Moore Mensah
Felicia Mensah

Professor of Science & Education, is named Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Research in Science Teaching.

Anna Neumann Supporting Student Research Award
Anna Neumann

Professor of Higher Education, receives the 2019 Research Achievement Award of the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE). The award cites Neumann as a “nationally recognized expert in qualitative research methods and teaching of research methods to doctoral students and novice faculty members.”

Kathleen O'Connell by Bruce Gilbert
Kathleen O’Connell

TC’s Isabel Maitland Stewart Professor of Nursing Education and Founding Director of the Online Nursing Education Program, receives an Alumni Leadership in Nursing Award from Mount St. Joseph University. O’Connell, an authority on smoking cessation, health behaviors, diabetes, nursing, reversal theory, and the theory of self-control strength, also delivers a Skinner Lecture at the Applied Behavior Analysis International Conference in Chicago on Pavlovian processes in health-related behaviors.

Dr. Amra Sabic-El-Rayess
Amra Sabic-El-Rayess
Stephen Silverman
Stephen Silverman

Professor of Education, is named Dean of the College of Education at Florida Atlantic University (FAU). A former chair of TC’s Department of Biobehavioral Sciences and senior advisor to the Provost on research preparation, Silverman assumes his new duties at the beginning of August. He remains with the TC community as a Professor Emeritus.

Dr. Derald Sue
Derald Wing Sue

Professor of Psychology & Education, receives the American Psychological Association’s Award for Outstanding Lifetime Contributions to Psychology, the highest honor it bestows. Sue’s work on microaggressions is the focus of a cover story in the Fall/Winter 2019 issue of TC Today magazine.

Erica Walker
Erica N. Walker

an authority on the sociocultural factors and educational policies and practices that facilitate math engagement, learning and performance, is named TC’s new Clifford Brewster Upton Professor of Mathematical Education. Walker is Chair of the College’s Department of Mathematics, Science & Technology and Director of its Institute for Urban and Minority Education (IUME).

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