Training Modules - In-Person Requirements

Training Modules

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All researchers involved in human subjects research must complete the required IRB Social and Behavioral Researchers Basic CITI training (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative).

The Research Compliance and Safety Committee (RCSC) has developed required training modules for researchers who plan to resume in-person data collection activities. The Ethics Amid Uncertainty trainings are available to Teachers College researchers. For external researchers involved with in-person activities, please reach out to

Researchers should also be familiar with the Campus Life During COVID-19 policies and complete the TC COVID-19 Training. All staff on the protocol should complete these trainings and upload their completion certificates to Mentor IRB's PI Documentation under their individual logins. Be sure to retain a copy of your completed certificates for your personal records.

Researchers may also be required to complete training specific to specialized PPE (if needed). These additional trainings will be based on a Job Safety Assessment (JSA).

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